Empowered Practice



In these conversations, Jadi, holistic health coach, and yoga and meditation teacher, will share the questions, resources, and actionable strategies that have served her own as well as client's ever-unfolding health journeys into becoming who we truly are.


  • Cultivating the Mindset to HEAL and THRIVE with Annah Rose

    17/04/2019 Duration: 59min

    Oh wow, you all! You are NOT going to want to miss this episode!  In it, I sat down with my dear friend Annah, Brand Strategist, Life Coach, and Tarot Goddess, to chat about her NEVER-BEFORE-SHARED journey through autoimmunity (RA and Lupus). You won't find many post's about Annah's journey that she shares here today; not because it isn't a big or important platform, but because she INTENTIONALLY chooses not to make her life's work about illness. In fact, it's her belief that R.A. (rheumatoid arthritis) saved her life by helping her cultivate the perspectives and lifestyle practices that allow her to THRIVE!  In this episode, she shares her journey through it and all the lessons, wisdom, and empowerment she's cultivated over the last 14 years since her initial diagnosis.   For anyone currently experiencing the symptoms of chronic illness or autoimmunity, I think you will find Annah's story relatable and inspiring! But underneath that, Annah shares lessons we can ALL cultivate to heal and t

  • Transitioning to safer skin care with Justene Kouba

    10/04/2019 Duration: 36min

    Hey Everyone! Today is a fun episode!  I get to introduce you to my biological (and soul) sister, Justene Kouba! She is a graphic designer by trade, but became increasingly passionate about safe beauty and home products when she became pregnant with her first child. It has also been an important part of healing her thyroid and endocrine health (the skin is our largest organ; what we put ON it matters!).  Today we chat about:    -Safer beauty, chemicals, how the skin is our largest organ and what we put on it can disrupt on a hormonal level -Transitioning to safer skincare and beauty, challenges with it -The oil cleansing method,  -How the skin can change with hormone changes like pregnancy and how Justene has found Beauty Counter to work with ALL skin types  -Seasonal changes with skincare - Quality and pricing; just as with food, you get what you pay for -What Justene does as a beauty counter consultant  -How to begin the transition to safer beauty -Her top 3 favorite BC pr

  • Connecting Womb, Heart, and Mind through the Chakras with Toni Parks

    03/04/2019 Duration: 49min

    Hi Everyone! I know I say this every time but SERIOUSLY... another AMAZING conversation. I don't say this word often, but Toni was a DELIGHT to chat with! We had so much fun riffing on the chakras and our experiences with them! Please get cozy, grab your favorite tea and chocolate, and join us in journeying through our energy centers!  We chatted about: - What a "calling" feels like and how Toni knew from a young age that witnessing and guiding transformation in others was a part of hers! - What "Chakras" are in SIMPLE and ACCESSIBLE terms, and the main energy of each. - Practices you can start incorporating right where you are to connect with any one of the chakras.  - Toni and I's favorite chakra resources - Toni's amazing story about how chakra work helped her son release speech therapy and THRIVE!  CONNECT WITH TONI: @parksholistichealth (instagram) https://parksholistichealth.net/ Sending so much love and vibrance your way <3 Jadi (p.s. the episode is labeled as "explicit" because ther

  • Yoga as embodiment, integration, and coming back to balance with Anna Sophie Conversano

    27/03/2019 Duration: 43min

    Hi Everyone! Welcome back to the Empowered Practice podcast! In today's episode I have the pleasure of introducing you to Yoga Therapist and Embodied Wellness Practitioner Anna Sophie Conversano!  In our conversation we discuss how we both arrived at the practice of yoga as a coming home to our bodies and how that practice looks and feels now, on and off the mat! We discuss various forms of how yoga can look in action and the difference between a studio class and a yoga therapy session. Anna also shares some of her favorite resources including meditation apps and podcasts to help you get started on or support your already existing practice <3 I hope you find so much joy in listening, and if you have any questions or would like to hear me address a specific question, please email jadiengels@gmail.com with title "Podcast Question"! I would LOVE to address it and support you in that way <3. Additionally, I would SO appreciate your rating on iTunes; it will help like-minded individuals find our conver

  • Incorporating Ayurveda into our Everyday Lives with Hari Simran

    21/03/2019 Duration: 40min

    Hi Everyone! I am SO EXCITED to share today's conversation with you! In this conversation, I sit down with Ayurvedic Health Practitioner and Kundalini Yoga Instructor, Hari Simran Khalsa. Hari Simran was raised by yogi's and grew up with these practices, and you can just FEEL the embodiment of them ooze from her.  We talk about what Ayurveda is, what a Dosha is, our Prakruti and Vikruti, what an online quiz and may not be able to tell you, and how to start incorporating this Ancient system of Balance and Empowerment into your everyday life (hint: SIMPLIFY!).  Resources: Dr. Vasant Lad's books: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001TH78SK/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=1 Maya Tiwari's books: https://www.amazon.com/Ayurveda-Balance-Complete-Ayurvedic-Nutrition/dp/089281490X Banyan Botanicals: https://www.banyanbotanicals.com/ Locating an Ayurvedic Practitioner : https://chitchaaatchai.com/ Connect with Hari Simran:  http://www.harisimranayurveda.com/ https://www.instagram.com/hari_simra

  • TOTD: How to Align with the Energy you WANT to Feel!

    13/03/2019 Duration: 09min

    Hi Everyone! Welcome back!  Today I am bringing in a new addition to the podcast called "thought of the day"- brief episodes that address one topic and offer advice and resources to actively work toward what it is that you want to create/feel. Today I'm sharing a process I've been using for an "energetic tune-up" lately. It was inspired by a conversation I had with AJ recently about not being in my confidence or personal-power for some time and how I am re-aligning with it in a way that honors my values <3. Hoping it serves you and if you find it helpful, please leave a comment and let me know! Sending you so much love, Jadi *All information provided in these conversations is for educational purposes only; please consult with your Health Care Practitioner prior to making any changes. *If you'd like to receive one-on-one support in your current healing journey, and my approach feels aligned, please CLICK HERE to book a free discovery call: http://bit.ly/freecall30  <3. 

  • It's ok to TAKE UP SPACE

    06/03/2019 Duration: 41min

    Hello Beautiful Listeners, Welcome back to our FINAL episode of the "it's ok" series!  Today I am excitedly introducing you to the beautiful, oozing-with-love, Holistic Nutritionist and Self-Love Coach, Meg Doll!  I connected with Meg last year and we felt like instant soul-sisters <3. Meg is amazingly sweet, but once you hear her story, you will also FEEL her strength: she shares with us her journey of overcoming three ED's within the span of one decade, how trusting her inner callings has been a big part of her work and life philosophy today!  We chat about how important it can be to speak up, how sharing your journey authentically is an amazing connector, and bust some long-outdated myths about food re: women- it's ok to eat AS MUCH AS YOU NEED- regardless of how much ANYONE around you is eating!  I hope you enjoy basking in Meg's love and light in this episode, and if you feel to connect with her further, check out: http://www.megtherhn.com @megtherhn (instagram) With Love, Jadi

  • It's ok to start again & create the life you LOVE

    27/02/2019 Duration: 34min

    Hi everyone! It's an exciting episode... today we have our very first interviewee on the podcast and she is dropping some beautiful wisdom in a way that keeps it simple and real with a little side of humor!  Meiyan is a women's wellness coach, an essential oils advocate, a yoga teacher, trained in therapeutic touch, and a trained chef! She is also an incredible lightburst of energy and understands what it is like to walk through the world as an HSP (highly sensitive person).  Today Meiyan shares about her personal journey of following a path first of all that life conditions us to be and then, as she entered into her 40's how she began to listen to the call of her soul and what life has been like ever since!  I hope you enjoy this conversation and the resources that Meiyan shares! You can connect with her on: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/meiyan.mullin Instagram (@meiyan.mullin) Website: http://www.meiyanmullin.com If you're getting the goods out of these episodes, please rate the show in

  • It's ok to follow an intuitive calling

    20/02/2019 Duration: 16min

    Hello Beautiful Ones, Today we're chatting about what an 'intuitive hit/calling' feels like, and what often transpires for us when we begin to listen to them. Another appropriate title for this episode would be "it's ok to not have a rational/logical reason for why you choose to do something". It really is!  Encompassed within this episode is the idea of all of the labels/identities that we pickup from the start of this life up until this moment- consider all of them! What does it feel like to release one, some, or all of them? Who are you without them and their external influence?  As always, hoping this conversation serves you in your awareness practice and the unfoldment of Who You Truly Are <3. Jadi

  • It's ok to be "here" again

    12/02/2019 Duration: 17min

    Hello Beautiful Ones, In this episode I discuss the idea of being "here" again; whatever that means for you. I share about my own experience with being "here" again with some health challenges and how my perspective on being with them as changed/grown.  I ask you to consider: if you are "here" again, could it be that there is still something there for you? Something to learn? Something to examine? Something to be aware of?  Sending so much love your way, Jadi P.S. I would love to hear how you are feeling about this series! Please share your heartfelt comments and rate the podcast on iTunes <3. Thank you! 

  • It's ok to let go of what no longer serves you

    06/02/2019 Duration: 18min

    Hi Everyone! Welcome back! You'll notice a change in the name of the podcast from Empowered Patient to Empowered Practice. I spent a lot of time in reflection toward the end of last year and felt that what was most in alignment right now, was to share all of the PRACTICES  that've been given to me by my many teachers, mentors, and coaches and all that I've learned on my healing journey in the hopes that it serves you, on yours.  This is the FIRST episode in a series that I am calling the "it's ok" series; it's all about giving yourself permission to be right where you are, and to not judge/criticize that <3. I'm hoping it is a space to have those conversations we often have in our minds but seldom share with others.  With so much love to you and hoping this is of service to your healing, holistically, Jadi

  • Episode 12: Reframing "setbacks"

    29/10/2018 Duration: 10min

    Hey EP's! In this week's 'brief' we cover the idea of setbacks, and the power inherent in how we frame something that is occurring in our lives! I share about some recent health challenges I've been experiencing and how, when I zoomed out, reframed, and harvested the good, I was actually able to see how much progress I've made on my health/healing journey! Hoping that this exercise serves you and you too are celebrating all the great work you've done and maybe more importantly, that everything that is transpiring is FOR you. Lots of love, Jadi ***ALL OF THE INFORMATION IS INTENDED FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY; PLEASE CONSULT WITH YOUR HEALTH CARE PRACTITIONER PRIOR TO IMPLEMENTING ANY CHANGES***

  • Episode 11: Mental health awareness & my experience with anxiety & depression

    23/10/2018 Duration: 21min

    Hey EP's! I know I always feel excited to share each week's topic with you, but today's feels like a different kind of special. Today I am discussing a bit about mental health awareness, but mostly, I am sharing my own personal story with anxiety, panic attacks, and depression. This is the first time I am sharing openly about my experience with it and coming off the heels of World Mental Health Day, it feels fitting. To read the FULL BLOG, CLICK HERE: http://bit.ly/EP11MntlHlth To schedule a FREE 30 MINUTE DISCOVERY CALL with me, CLICK HERE: http://bit.ly/freecall30 ***ALL INFORMATION PROVIDED IS MEANT FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY; PLEASE CONSULT WITH YOUR HEALTH CARE PRACTITIONER PRIOR TO MAKING ANY CHANGES***

  • Episode 10: "I can't meditate"

    16/10/2018 Duration: 16min

    Hey EP's! Today we're diving into the topic of meditation- specifically, the idea that there are "good/bad" meditators and the idea that "meditation isn't for me". We discuss definitions and the history of meditation, and the wide variety of applications! I share the practice I use daily along with optional *add-ons* and a request for feedback from you! If you'd like to follow along with the GUIDE, CLICK HERE: http://bit.ly/EP10Meditate Would you like a guided body scan to support your practice?? Email me: jadiengels@gmail.com and I will add you to my list and send it your way!! Are you working on recovering from chronic and autoimmune illness? Feel like stress is a major obstacle to your wellbeing? Would you like to receive ONE on ONE support through it? I currently have 1 OPEN SPOT in my private coaching practice, and would LOVE to support you! Schedule your FREE DISCOVERY CALL HERE: http://bit.ly/freecall30 ***ALL INFORMATION IS MEANT FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY; PLEASE CONSULT WITH YOUR HEAL

  • Episode 9: Chronic stress & creating LASTING behavior change!

    08/10/2018 Duration: 19min

    Welcome back EP's! In today's episode, we cover what "stress" means, the many ways that we can relate to and experience it, and how we can actively CHANGE and REDUCE it via behavior change! FOLLOWING ALONG WITH THE FULL GUIDE HERE: http://bit.ly/ChangeStress CLICK HERE to download my FREE PDF: 7 TIPS TO ELIMINATE EXHAUSTION NOW: http://bit.ly/7tipsforexhaustion Additionally, I have 1 space available right now for private 1-on-1 coaching. If you're working on recovering from Chronic Stress, Adrenal Fatigue, and Hormone imbalance, I would love to support you! Click HERE to schedule a FREE discovery call with me to learn more: http://bit.ly/freecall30 ***ALL INFORMATION PROVIDED IS INTENDED FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY; PLEASE CONSULT WITH YOUR HEATLH CARE PROVIDER BEFORE IMPLEMENTING ANY CHANGES***

  • Episode 8: Stress, Cortisol, & Blood Sugar Regulation!

    01/10/2018 Duration: 18min

    Hi EP's! Today's topic is a BIG ONE! We're diving deeper into our body's stress response, what happens when it's turned on CHRONICALLY, and how CORTISOL is highly involved in it as well as blood sugar regulation! If you'd like the FULL GUIDE, please click HERE: http://bit.ly/2NL4XyB Feel like you could use further support on this topic? CLICK HERE to download my FREE PDF: 7 TIPS TO ELIMINATE EXHAUSTION NOW: http://bit.ly/7tipsforexhaustion Additionally, I have 1 space available right now for private 1-on-1 coaching. If you're working on recovering from Chronic Stress, Adrenal Fatigue, and Hormone imbalance, I would love to support you! Click HERE to schedule a FREE discovery call with me to learn more: http://bit.ly/freecall30 ***ALL INFORMATION PROVIDED IS INTENDED FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY; PLEASE CONSULT WITH YOUR HEATLH CARE PROVIDER BEFORE IMPLEMENTING ANY CHANGES***

  • Episode 7: Welcome to your "Body Clock" + Liver Detox!

    21/09/2018 Duration: 09min

    Hi EP's! In today's episode, we cover one tool from Traditional Chinese Medicine, the "Body Clock"! I share how I was able to come into better understanding about some recent insomnia and how you can explore the Body Clock with your own experience! To SEE an IMAGE of the "Body Clock" with a greater explanation, CLICK HERE TO GET THE GUIDE: http://bit.ly/BodyClockGuide Are you currently struggling with chronic stress, exhaustion, burnout? Experiencing blood sugar crashes, digestive difficulties, and sleep interruptions? I currently have TWO OPEN SPOTS in my 1-on-1 coaching program and would LOVE to SUPPORT YOU! CLICK HERE to schedule your FREE 30 minute coaching session to see if we are a good fit to work together: http://bit.ly/freecall30 *ALL INFORMATION IS PROVIDED FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY; PLEASE CONSULT WITH YOUR PRACTITIONER PRIOR TO MAKING ANY CHANGES.

  • Episode 6: Stress Tools - Deep Breathing

    14/09/2018 Duration: 13min

    Hi EP's! We're switching things up this week! Today, I am guiding you through a deep breathing exercise! Why? Because often times, when our nervous system's are keyed up, practitioners recommend "lifestyle changes" to reduce stress, but often we aren't given resources to help us enact these changes! A great place to start is with the BREATH- it is something we are always doing anyway, and just 3 minutes of intentional breathing can shift our systems out of "fight or flight" and into "rest and digest"! Please note, the exercise begins at 4:50 minutes in and ends at the 10:30 minute mark. I hope you enjoy this practice, and if you do, please RATE the podcast on ITunes! If you'd like to continue to learning more about Stress Reduction tools, please leave a comment! Sick of feeling chronically burned out? Would you like to receive support? Click HERE to schedule a FREE discovery call: https://bit.ly/2kRWjgB.

  • Episode 5: All about Food Allergies, Intolerances, & Sensitivities!

    05/09/2018 Duration: 19min

    In this episode we navigate the territory of food allergies, intolerances, and sensitivities! We discuss a definition of each, and what is actually going on in the body that differentiates them! We also cover common testing methods, and why additional resources/tools are often used! I also share more about my own experience with food sensitivity testing and healing! FOR THE COMPLETE RESEARCH GUIDE WITH ALL REFERENCES CONSULTED, CLICK HERE: https://bit.ly/2PPLNoD If this video resonates with you, please LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, COMMENT and SHARE this video with others! Sick of feeling chronically burned out? Would you like to receive support? Click HERE to schedule a FREE discovery call with me to see if we are a good fit for working on your health vision together: https://bit.ly/2kRWjgB *** THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS VIDEO IS MEANT FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY; PLEASE CONSULT WITH YOUR HEALTH CARE TEAM BEFORE IMPLEMENTING ANY CHANGES. ***

  • Episode 4: EP Brief: What to do after a 30 Day Reset!

    27/08/2018 Duration: 08min

    Hi EP's! In this episode we dive into a listener question that's SUPER relevant: "I'm just finishing up a 30 day reset diet; what do I do afterward?" Feeling lost, confused, and stuck on your health journey? Wondering why you are doing everything "right" and still struggling with weight loss, chronic stress, or other health issues? Would you like to receive guidance and support? Click HERE to schedule a FREE discovery call with Jadi: https://bit.ly/2kRWjgB ***THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS VIDEO IS MEANT FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY; PLEASE CONSULT WITH YOUR HEALTH CARE TEAM BEFORE IMPLEMENTING ANY CHANGES. ***

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