Empowered Practice

Season 4 Episode 2: Aquarius New Moon - Create Your State



Hello Beloved EP's!  In this episode, Toni and I lovingly offer you:  A Grounding practice; filtering Earth Energy through you How quickly we can change our state and the tools to get us there You inner state creates the reality you see Aquarius new moon; age of aquarius; BIG downloads; BIG ideas Don’t try to be in the masculine/feminine at the same time HD nuggets on manifesting Balance requires vulnerability and surrender Breathe energy into the life you’d LOVE to be living rather than just surviving Energy of aquarius: giving, independent, free, creative, airy Get clear in your vision so the winds of aquarius guide you TOWARD it rather than pulls you away from it The vibratory frequency of our emotions Gratitude: living as if it’s already here The journey of healing begins with self-compassion and acceptance - right where you are is enough you’re enough you are someone worth taking care of worth loving and you right here just breathing you are enough Self check in questions : What happened that d