Stevie Says Social Podcast



If youre a Business Owner or Marketer looking to #LiftYourSocialMediaGame, this is the podcast for you!Get killer trainings on all things Social Media, Content and Digital Marketing. Stand out from the crowd, attract more followers, and most importantly convert those followers into clients + customers. From my own behind-the-scenes insights and no BS strategies to interviews with successful business owners to show you what REALLY works, youll get the roadmap, cheat sheets and secret strategies you need to nail your socials, grow your business and have fun doing it!


  • Grow Your Business and Free Your Time By Creating a Mini-Course in Just Six Weeks

    18/12/2023 Duration: 26min

    Let me guess: You love what you do, but you've spent this year stuck in an endless loop of busy-ness where you've found it tough to BREATHE, let alone truly escape your business for a minute and live your life. That's where a mini-course comes in. Whether you eventually want to create a FULL online course, you already have one or maybe you just want a more consistent and steady stream of leads into your coaching or expert business to free up some of your time and make more revenue, a mini-course is a great place to start. By the end of today's podcast episode, I am sharing with you an easy-launch guide for creating an irresistible mini-course and getting it out there into the world in under 6-weeks so you can get started, finally cross it off your "to do" list and build a super valuable leveraged asset in your business to drive leads, supercharge your authority and divorce your value from your time. In fact, that's exactly what 26 of our members inside of Lifestyle Business

  • If I Was Starting From Scratch, Here's How I'd Scale a Business to $1m.

    11/12/2023 Duration: 40min

    Wondering how to start and build an expertise-based online business NOW? Today, I'm going to spill the beans on EXACTLY how I would do it if I was starting from scratch TODAY. The strategy, the how, the "what I'd do differently if I could do it again" - in today's podcast episode I am going to walk you through my full thought process, and how I have implemented much of this in my own business this year. By the end, you'll have complete clarity on how to go about building your OWN expertise-based business based on timeless business strategy and what's working now. ---PS Our Lifestyle Business School members have been working hard and have created their own mini-courses in just six weeks using our Create and Validate process! And, they have made them all available for YOU to register for for free! Browse and register for one or more (all kicking off in Jan) at more?

  • 5 Systems That Save Me 10+ Hours a Week (Really)

    26/11/2023 Duration: 26min

    Let's talk about time; and specifically about the tool I use to save 10+ hours a week.That tool? Is a project management system, specifically Clickup.In today's episode, I unveil five key strategies I use to save over 10 hours a week with the project management system I have love heart eyes for.And side note? You can get ALL of these inside of Operational Elegance, which is 99% off (originally, it sold for $20K) AND is bundled with Lifestyle Business School. Check it out here.1. Our Task Management ProcessThe first thing I cannot live without? My task management process inside of Clickup, where I am able to document every recurring task and give my business a "skeleton" with EVERYTHING required to make it run.I attached SOPs to each tasks so that it can be completed by ANYONE, and it has built for me a business engine that doesn't require ME to run it. Magical :magic_wand:2. Our Productivity Process:We've implemented a Productivity Process, which is used to make sure that I (and

  • Expectation v Reality: Recapping My 2023 Season of Monster Change

    20/11/2023 Duration: 43min

    Pre PS Our Black Friday deal is live. Get Operational Elegance bundled into Lifestyle Business School for the duration of your $149/m membership. This is a 99% saving on the original price of Operational Elegance (which was originally sold as Legacy for $20,000 in a high ticket format). Get it here. Let me tell you: The way I THOUGHT this year would go, versus the way it went? WORLDS APART. This week marks my birthday, and my business birthday, and it's always a time of reflection. On the years gone by, what worked, what didn't and what I want to do next month, next year, next SEASON. This year, I have grown as a person, as a mother and as a business owner. It wasn't always easy - making big, courageous decisions never are - and it wasn't always fun. Growth, especially in self, is usually uncomfortable. But I'm ending this year feeling proud. Of myself. Of this business, and the impact it continues to make. And more than anything? I feel excited for the future.. but in a more grounded

  • 13/11/2023 Duration: 25min

    Wondering how to diagnose the health of your expert business?

  • Capacity, Cadence & Clarity: The Secret to More Freedom, Time and Calm

    06/11/2023 Duration: 37min

    Ready to reclaim five to ten hours of time, know with CRYSTAL CLEAR CLARITY what to work on next and feel certain that nothing will EVER get missed in your business? You need Operational Elegance

  • 30/10/2023 Duration: 36min

    Feeling like you need a five year bachelor degree in Marketing just to show up on Instagram?In today's podcast episode, Britt Worthington from The Social Britify (@thesocialbritify) is back to help you escape Instagram post-paralysis and get the visibility, attention and leads your business needs with a simple formula for reverse-engineering your content strategy (and finally stop overthinking it).She's on a mission to make Instagram fun again, and those vibes are CONTAGIOUS. I have personally taken some of her approach into my Instagram strategy recently, and my engagement has never been higher. Here's a few of the things we cover: Why everyone is over the standard advice on Instagram, and how it is stopping people from showing up at all; Why content pillars are the worst approach to planning your Instagram content, and what to do instead; The "top down" approach to planning your Instagram content, and how to map out concepts that align with your goals; The importance of leaning into

  • 7 Ways to Make Consistent Income Without Burning Out

    23/10/2023 Duration: 36min

    The NUMBER ONE problem online business owners want solved? "How do I make consistent income WITHOUT burning out?

  • Why I Decided to Create a Membership

    20/10/2023 Duration: 24min

    Lifestyle Business School is officially here!

  • Introducing Lifestyle Business School ⚙️ Nitty Gritty BTS and Sneak Peek Inside

    16/10/2023 Duration: 47min

    We've launched a BRAND new offer! Lifestyle Business School is officially here, and this podcast episode is a sneak peen behind the scenes at the offer, the "why" behind it aaaand everything you might be wondering about our pivot, the program and whether it's for YOU!Peek the sales page here, and register for the free masterclass where we break down the full lifestyle business operating system here. ➡️ Lifestyle Business School is currently OPEN for FOUNDATION MEMBERS with special pricing and suuuuper special bonuses (including a six week LIVE sprint, $1,200 in free software (not kidding) and more. Any questions about Lifestyle Business School that I HAVEN'T covered in this podcast episode? Ask here!In today's podcast episode, I cover: Why I Created Lifestyle Business SchoolMy Mission and Vision, and How Lifestyle Business Fits Into It How This Offer Was Created Who Lifestyle Business School Is ForWhy It's For BOTH Ends of the Experience Spectrum Why a Membership The Include

  • 11/09/2023 Duration: 30min

    Let's talk about the power of compound interest in ALL areas of your life - and especially, for those seeking a freedom-based business that leverages and divorces their time from their value. Compounding is a financial concept that involves earning returns not only on the initial (monetary) investment but also on the accumulated (monetary) interest or gains over time.Example: Let's say you invest $10,000 today, and each year you earn 10% interest. In year one, your total earnings is $1,000 on your initial investment, for a total of $11,000. But by year TEN? Your original sum has compounded because each year, you have earned interest on not only the original $10,000 but ALSO on the 10% interest each year. Your investment has snowballed to $27,000(ish) and the MAJORITY of that is made up of the interest earned from the original investment. They say compounding is the eighth wonder of the world, and there's no wonder why. In today's podcast episode, we're applying the concept of compound

  • Which Expert "Type" Are You, And Are You Building the Right Model for Your Type?

    04/09/2023 Duration: 28min

    PRE PS. Dream and Design - our 100% free (this one time) four week business model program for those who want to design or redesign a clear and compelling vision for an expertise-based online business that feels wildly aligned. We kick off NEXT WEEK on September 12th - register here, join the 1,500 already registered!❌ Not all expertise-based businesses are built the same. First, though, let me define what I mean by expert business: It's a leveraged expertise-based online business that can be defined broadly as a model in which you are packaging up your Intellectual Property into something leveraged and scalable.They are, in my opinion, the MOST leveraged and profitable model on the internet.Here's the disconnect, though. Not all expertise-based business models are built the SAME. And there are, sadly, too many people coming into the industry lured in by time, freedom and happiness who are unwittingly building a fatal flaw into their model from the outset - they are building the wrong model for THEM.

  • Designing Your WILDLY ALIGNED Expert Business: Here's What It Takes

    28/08/2023 Duration: 38min

    PRE PS. BIG NEWS! I'm launching my upcoming program for FREE (for now!)It's called Dream and Design - it is for current and aspiring expertise-based online business owners who want to design or redesign a clear and compelling vision of an online business that achieves their version of the Lifestyle Business Sweet Spot. Register here to take a step closer to YOUR Lifestyle Business Sweet Spot.Let's get straight into it. A sustainable lifestyle business requires wild alignment. Here's seven types of alignment to focus on to achieve just that: Hint: We'll be covering most of these in Dream and Design (register here if you haven't yet!)✔️ Business Model Alignment✔️ Passion Alignment✔️ Authority Alignment✔️ Offer Alignment✔️ Time Alignment✔️ Endgame Alignment✔️ Expectation Alignment✔️ And MORE! Want more?

  • Five “Not-Money” Goals to Obsess Over For a Simple, Sustainable Lifestyle Business

    21/08/2023 Duration: 41min

    THE "YOU'RE NOT SUCCESSFUL IF YOU'RE NOT MAKING A MILLION DOLLARS IN TWO SECONDS" RHETORIC NEEDS TO STAAAAHP. Like, right now. The comparison-itis on the online space is RIFE right now -- which is totally fine if it was a healthy comparison of someone a few steps ahead with a realistic backstory, giving an honest account of their business journey. It's NOT fine, however, when we're all starting to hold ourselves up to an "ideal" of million dollar years, million dollar launches and million dollar offers in two seconds. The Australian Consumer Commission has a word for this type of behaviour in real life: It's called Misleading and Deceptive Conduct. And, it's highly illegal. And yet, it seems that online, the "rules" don't apply. Business "backstories" get blurred, "success" timelines get smudged and revenue figures get "creatively inflated" in order to sell a formula for online business success; and usually, one tha

  • My Business Story Year By Year [Part 2/2]

    14/08/2023 Duration: 32min

    Let's continue with our walk down memory lane.If you haven't listened to or read part one of this series where I walked through my first and second year in business (including exactly how much revenue I made), you can do that HERE.In today's podcast episode, we are recapping years two to five in business, and all of the challenges, wins and lessons along the way.Let's go!In part 2 of my business story, we discuss:✔️ Year Two - 2019✔️ Year Three - 2020✔️ Year Four - 2021✔️ Year Five - 2022Want more?

  • My Business Story Year By Year [Part 1/2]

    07/08/2023 Duration: 47min

    Let's take a quick walk down memory lane. My business is now five... coming on SIX... years in, and it's so easy to get caught up looking at someone a few steps ahead and wondering why you're not THERE yet. The intention of this podcast is to help you to remember to stop keeping score, tracking your time, and instead focusing on consistency and the long game.In today's podcast episode, I am walking you through part one of this series where I walk through each year of my business journey (including exactly how much revenue I made). In part 1 of my business story, we discussed:✔️ Year Zero - 2017✔️ Year One - 2018✔️ And MORE! PS If you have ever gotten value from our podcast, I would be so grateful if you could take a moment to leave a quick rating and written review. It takes two minutes, and would make my day. Want more?

  • I Make More From This ONE Thing Than My Entire Corporate Salary (Hint: It's Not Courses)

    31/07/2023 Duration: 16min

    Welp, it's that time of year again. End of financial year has just wrapped (in Australia), and it's time to reflect on the financial "year that was". From a financial perspective, it was our best in business yet. That wasn't the surprising bit, though. THAT came when I looked at the breakdown of my revenue streams... and realised that there was one very unexpected one that accounted for a good chunk of revenue. So much, in fact, that it represented MORE than my entire corporate salary in my very first marketing job. And, even more surprisingly? It was about 95% passive... which is a lot more than I can say for the rest of the online business industry (despite the cries to the contrary all over the Internet). Curious to know what it was? It's all in today's podcast episode. PS If you have ever gotten value from our podcast, I would be so grateful if you could take a moment to leave a quick rating and written review. It takes two minutes, and would make my day. Want more?

  • What's Draining Your Battery?

    24/07/2023 Duration: 20min

    Let's talk about the difference between the amount of TIME you spend on something, and the amount of ENERGETIC capacity it takes up. It's only recently that I have started to realise that there is a very big difference between the two, and have started optimising for energetic alignment as much as time. My Original Personal Effectiveness Process - Time OptimisationEvery 90 days, I have ALWAYS completed a time audit. It's incredibly helpful for identifying where my time goes, and to optimise it to start using it better. Here's the three step process I have traditionally completed: Step One: Analyse my time. Every 90 days, I would audit every minute of my work time. Step Two: Audit my time. Once I had a list of everything I completed in a week, I would categorise them into departments and groups of tasks to get a snapshot of where I was spending my time. Step Three: Action. Finally, I would review the list and decide what delete (stop doing altogether), delegate (give to someone else or a to

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