Stevie Says Social Podcast

Five “Not-Money” Goals to Obsess Over For a Simple, Sustainable Lifestyle Business



THE "YOU'RE NOT SUCCESSFUL IF YOU'RE NOT MAKING A MILLION DOLLARS IN TWO SECONDS" RHETORIC NEEDS TO STAAAAHP. Like, right now. The comparison-itis on the online space is RIFE right now -- which is totally fine if it was a healthy comparison of someone a few steps ahead with a realistic backstory, giving an honest account of their business journey. It's NOT fine, however, when we're all starting to hold ourselves up to an "ideal" of million dollar years, million dollar launches and million dollar offers in two seconds. The Australian Consumer Commission has a word for this type of behaviour in real life: It's called Misleading and Deceptive Conduct. And, it's highly illegal. And yet, it seems that online, the "rules" don't apply. Business "backstories" get blurred, "success" timelines get smudged and revenue figures get "creatively inflated" in order to sell a formula for online business success; and usually, one tha