Stevie Says Social Podcast

I Make More From This ONE Thing Than My Entire Corporate Salary (Hint: It's Not Courses)



Welp, it's that time of year again. End of financial year has just wrapped (in Australia), and it's time to reflect on the financial "year that was". From a financial perspective, it was our best in business yet. That wasn't the surprising bit, though. THAT came when I looked at the breakdown of my revenue streams... and realised that there was one very unexpected one that accounted for a good chunk of revenue. So much, in fact, that it represented MORE than my entire corporate salary in my very first marketing job. And, even more surprisingly? It was about 95% passive... which is a lot more than I can say for the rest of the online business industry (despite the cries to the contrary all over the Internet). Curious to know what it was? It's all in today's podcast episode. PS If you have ever gotten value from our podcast, I would be so grateful if you could take a moment to leave a quick rating and written review. It takes two minutes, and would make my day. Want more?