Stevie Says Social Podcast

Which Expert "Type" Are You, And Are You Building the Right Model for Your Type?



PRE PS. Dream and Design - our 100% free (this one time) four week business model program for those who want to design or redesign a clear and compelling vision for an expertise-based online business that feels wildly aligned. We kick off NEXT WEEK on September 12th - register here, join the 1,500 already registered!❌ Not all expertise-based businesses are built the same. First, though, let me define what I mean by expert business: It's a leveraged expertise-based online business that can be defined broadly as a model in which you are packaging up your Intellectual Property into something leveraged and scalable.They are, in my opinion, the MOST leveraged and profitable model on the internet.Here's the disconnect, though. Not all expertise-based business models are built the SAME. And there are, sadly, too many people coming into the industry lured in by time, freedom and happiness who are unwittingly building a fatal flaw into their model from the outset - they are building the wrong model for THEM.