Stevie Says Social Podcast

Expectation v Reality: Recapping My 2023 Season of Monster Change



Pre PS Our Black Friday deal is live. Get Operational Elegance bundled into Lifestyle Business School for the duration of your $149/m membership. This is a 99% saving on the original price of Operational Elegance (which was originally sold as Legacy for $20,000 in a high ticket format). Get it here. Let me tell you: The way I THOUGHT this year would go, versus the way it went? WORLDS APART. This week marks my birthday, and my business birthday, and it's always a time of reflection. On the years gone by, what worked, what didn't and what I want to do next month, next year, next SEASON. This year, I have grown as a person, as a mother and as a business owner. It wasn't always easy - making big, courageous decisions never are - and it wasn't always fun. Growth, especially in self, is usually uncomfortable. But I'm ending this year feeling proud. Of myself. Of this business, and the impact it continues to make. And more than anything? I feel excited for the future.. but in a more grounded