Stevie Says Social Podcast



If youre a Business Owner or Marketer looking to #LiftYourSocialMediaGame, this is the podcast for you!Get killer trainings on all things Social Media, Content and Digital Marketing. Stand out from the crowd, attract more followers, and most importantly convert those followers into clients + customers. From my own behind-the-scenes insights and no BS strategies to interviews with successful business owners to show you what REALLY works, youll get the roadmap, cheat sheets and secret strategies you need to nail your socials, grow your business and have fun doing it!


  • 24/06/2024 Duration: 01h03min

    This is a story about grief, loss and how to navigate it as a personal brand.[Read the full blog post here].Almost six weeks ago now, I lost my beautiful mum. (It hurts to type that). It feels like my security blanket has been ripped from under me.I feel alone, exposed and honestly? Just so very sad. Here’s the thing as a personal brand business. Personal things happen. They bleed into business. And as a result, running a very front-facing business in challenging times feels extra challenging – something that has absolutely been my experience over the past while. Today, I want to share a little about my experience navigating profound loss as a personal brand.—Helpful Resources:Insanely helpful conversation: Navigating Grief [ft Therapist Gina Moffa] – With Sam Vander Wielen. I resonated with so much of this. It talks about personal brand businesses in particular, and I listened twice. Feeling seen: Motherless Daughters – Grief support for mother loss. Simply scrolling through these has helped me a lot, the po

  • Real Talk: Should You Create a Membership Site? Part Two

    06/05/2024 Duration: 43min

    Pre PS  We've currently waitlisted our Lifestyle Business School program and we'll be reopening soon. Join the waitlist here if you want to get updated on the best deal and the special VIP bonuses soon as we re-open doors.Last episode I talked about some of the cons of having a membership site as your offer. Now, let's switch sides and talk about the pros of building a membership site. And, when you go into it with realistic expectations - there are many! I do think it's important to start with the cons however, because they aren't usually considered and it's the reason people become disillusioned and give up. Memberships can be magical - with some big ifs and buts. They can be magical

  • Real Talk: Should You Create a Membership Site? Part One

    30/04/2024 Duration: 59min

    Pre PS  We've currently waitlisted our Lifestyle Business School program and we'll be reopening soon. Join the waitlist here if you want to get updated on the best deal and the special VIP bonuses soon as we re-open doors.Should you create a membership site? So often, it's sold as the ultimate dream:"Create a membership site and you too can enjoy recurring revenue - forever", they say. Which is kind of true.Only, it also comes with a very, very big asterisk:Memberships are one of the most advanced, psychologically trying, long-game, difficult leveraged business models out there. And, no-one is sharing THAT when they are selling the dream. In October 2023, I launched my very own online membership site. Believe me when I say that I have aged 26 Internet years in the months since (just kidding - kind of).Here's the truth though: They are no joke, and this is coming from someone with six years in the online business space, experience in every leveraged business model under the sun, a

  • [Podcast Best Of] Personal Brand v Business Brand — How My Thoughts (And Social Handles!) Are Changing

    22/04/2024 Duration: 19min

    I am taking a short break of one to two weeks from new podcast episodes. Here’s a ‘best of’ episode from the vault until I’m back!Last year, I spent in excess of about $35,000 on a huge rebrand. The thought process was this —> I want to build a company. I have a team and I don’t want it to feel like it’s just about me. Stevie Says Social no longer aligned. And, at the time, all of those things were true. Still are, really. But over the subsequent months, my thoughts on how I want to position my business and personal brand shifted slightly AGAIN, and so in today’s podcast episode I want to share some of that nuance with you in case it serves you also. As with ALL decisions in business, there is no “universal truth” when it comes to these things, only ever what serves YOU and the goals you have. And here, right now, are my thoughts (and upcoming shifts) in terms of what serves ME and this small + mighty business in this moment.In this podcast episode we discuss:✔️ Bringing My Personal Brand Back to Life✔️ Ex

  • How to Create an Online Course That Sells Right Now

    15/04/2024 Duration: 38min

    How do you create an online course that sells right now?The truth is that times have changed, and what worked even just a few years ago no longer does. The online course market is maturing, and with the growth many are starting to wonder:"Are people still buying online courses?"Here's my two cents: Yes they absolutely are, but it’s uneven at the moment.Some people are killing it and some are finding it tough. If you're wondering how you can create an online course that sells right now, here are seven things to keep in mind. 1. Cultivate Trust and Authority2. Contracts Create Friction3. Creating an Online Course That Sells Requires Transparency4. New Offers Require Time in the Market5. Positioning is Everything6. Risk Reversal is Extra Helpful7. Trust and an Irresistible Offer Are King and Queen Right NowWant more?

  • Building a Bucketlist Business

    01/04/2024 Duration: 34min

    In 2007, I spent six weeks in a hostel in the middle of Guatemala just “because”.Truly, I’d never felt so free.The two years prior had been spent working like a donkey, with good people but in a field I hated.The endgame? Admission to the Supreme Course of Queensland as a lawyer.It was an accolade I spent 7 years working towards..Only to quit, 6-weeks to the day later. And so, there I found myself in a computer shop in Puerto Escondido, Mexico, on a steaming April afternoon checking my emails when my brothers friend messaged us on Facebook.“Wanna come visit?” – he wrote, “I’m just down the road in Guatemala!”We looked at each other.Of course we would. It wasn’t even a QUESTION.We were free. The world was our oyster. And we could do anything, be anyone, go anywhere!And so it came to be that I ended up spending the best, most carefree, most FUN 6-weeks of my life living out of a backpack in a dingy hostel dorm room in Antigua.Acutely aware that I had opted out of life for a little minute, and feeling grateful a

  • Leaving Money On the Table = The Best Business Strategy?

    18/03/2024 Duration: 48min

    I don’t care about leaving money on the table. I don’t care about “maximising” my revenue” or getting the “most” out of every day. Here’s what I do care about: Spend Tuesday mornings at a 10am Pilates class. Stuffing around making labels for my new spice racks just because. Googling cool new hair-dos for my little girl. Sitting on the floor with her at 2pm on a Friday, playing hairdressers.I care about travel. I care so much about travel. I care about renting a month-long Airbnb in Norway just because. And getting a van, and traveling around the English countryside stopping at every cute pub along the way. I care about driving down the California coast. Showing my kids Hearst Castle. Visiting Old Town Ibiza, and sipping Sangria at 10pm on a hot August evening. I care about feeling free – really, truly free. Waking up on a Monday and relishing the week ahead. Spending the morning sitting in a cafe, writing for three hours over two half-strength cappuccinos. And never again sitting in  an air-conditioned cubicl

  • The No Team Dream: A One-Woman Show Working 5-Hour Days With 80% Profit Margins

    11/03/2024 Duration: 53min

    In the past two years, I have gone from three full time team members.. To me, one part time contractor. The result of scaling DOWN my team? My business went from 40% profit margins on a good month.. To 80%, always. I halved my revenue.. But took home WAY more profit. And I felt lighter, happier and more fulfilled than I had in years, with my days spent working on the things that truly light me up. Two years on, things looked so very different.. It feels like a dream. The no-team dream. Systems Over TeamSo, what changed? And specifically, what ENABLED me to re-build my business A One-Woman Show Working 5-Hour Days With 80% Profit Margins?Here’s the cliff notes: From a business model perspective, I moved to a model that felt far more aligned. It required fewer moving parts, fewer offers and fewer resources. And I started prioritising systems over team. It looks like this: ✔️ A Simple Model: One of the most overlooked “secrets” to an elegant business is simplicity. More offers, more work. I worked on refining my

  • My Top 7 Tips for Building a High Profit, High Leverage and High Happy Business Model

    26/02/2024 Duration: 49min

    Here's 7 things I see holding business owners back from their goal to build a leveraged business model.This is based off seven years of experience and working with hundreds of online founders, and noticing patterns.I hope recognising these will help you to shortcut the process.[PS Our newsletter is live! Subscribe here]. 1️⃣ Time & the Hockey Stick EffectBuilding a leveraged business model takes MORE time upfront, and less time later on.2️⃣ Misaligned PositioningGet clear on who your offer serves, and match what you do to their problem.3️⃣ Too Many OffersAt max, you need three offers - an audience offer, a core offer and an anchor offer. They should all complement and feed into each other.4️⃣ Not Applying Scalable Traffic Strategies to a Scalable Business ModelThe traffic strategies that work for a 1:1 or service business model won't be enough when trying to sell a leveraged offer. More units to sell means that you need more eyeballs to see your offers.5️⃣ Not Making ROI based investment decisio

  • BTS: The Six-Step Creative Process Behind $2m+ in Online Course Sales

    20/02/2024 Duration: 26min

    Ever wondered EXACTLY how I create digital courses? The nitty gritty "I do this, then this, then THIS"? I have been creating online courses now since 2018, and have learnt a LOT about what works and what doesn't when it comes to the "creative process". When developing my very first digital course in 2018, I went to Bali for six weeks, wrote a 50,000 word manuscript in the final week because I had no idea what else to do and then came back to spend the next six months figuring out how to make it into a course that people would buy (more on that in this episode)!I don't recommend that approach

  • Instagram Is Not Your Marketing Plan [PLEASE Do This Instead]

    12/02/2024 Duration: 40min

    “My launch failed”, she wrote to me one Sunday evening.Weird, I thought.I’d seen the funnel — it was good. So, I asked to dig into the stats.“What was your conversion rate?”, I asked.She stared at me blankly.“You know.. the percentage of people in the launch that bought?”Oh. There was six days of silence, and she emailed me back.“5.4%”.Well, I thought.. the launch didn’t fail. Actually, it converted GREAT. There just wasn’t enough traffic.It was EASY for me to see the issue. And, to objectively see where the opportunity was to improve.But, she couldn’t see it, and subjectively, in her mind it was a big fat flop.It’s kind of the industry’s fault that this sort of thing is a HUGE issue.We EXPECT fast success. Knock it out of the park wins in two seconds. And when it doesn’t work out like that? We scrap the WHOLE thing, and go and build something else from scratch. But, that is a story for a different day. For today? Let’s talk about HER, and how this scenario can be avoided with ONE thing.This scenario is commo

  • 7 Counterintuitive Things I Am Doing to Grow My Business in 2024

    05/02/2024 Duration: 27min

    Wondering how I am thinking about business "growth" in 2024? The things I am focused on to build my version of the lifestyle business sweet spot? The actions I am taking that go against the grain of "traditional" business advice? That's what I'm breaking down in today's podcast episode where I'll be sharing with you 7 counterintuitive things that I am doing to build my business in 2024.Links and Resources Mentioned in Episode:Episode 158: Our Podcast Makes Us $8,300 an Hour — Here’s HowFree Failed Payment SOP: Get the exact Standard Operating Procedure template we used to recoup failed payments in our online business. BRAND New Deliver and Delight Course just added to Lifestyle Business School: Deliver and Delight is the FULL playbook for implementing stand out, streamlined delivery processes for any high or low touch course, program, coaching offer or mastermind. We hand you our done for you workflows, standard operating procedures and automations for the three phases

  • Red Hot Testimonials: Collecting Money-Making, Business-Shaping Testimonials to Grow Your Business

    29/01/2024 Duration: 32min

    Testimonials are money-makers, plain and simple. If you want to bulletproof your authority, shorten your sales cycle and give your buyers peace of mind that they are making the right decision, you NEED a process in your online business for collecting, distributing and SHOUTING YOUR TESTIMONIALS FROM THE ROOFTOPS. Whether you're newer to business and wondering how to get social proof when you're just starting out, or your a seasoned business owner with people raving about you but no solid process for capturing all of that goodness, this is a must listen and business game changer. Prefer to read? Click here, and we break it down in FULL blog post style in detail. Links and Resources Mentioned in Episode:Ep 162: Don’t Take It Personally: Inviting Frank, Fair Feedback from Your Clientele and Using It to ImproveFree Failed Payment SOP: Get the exact Standard Operating Procedure template we used to recoup failed payments in our online business. BRAND New Deliver and Delight Course just added to Lifestyle

  • Revealed: Our Full Back End Set Up Process For A Brand New Offer

    22/01/2024 Duration: 32min

    Curious EXACTLY how we went about setting up the back end of a brand new offer?Not just the theory, but the here's-exactly-how-we-did-it nitty gritty?Delivering with excellence is both art and science, and in today's podcast episode, we're breaking down exact how we have set up the back end of our membership, Lifestyle Business School.Whether you are thinking about creating a new course, program or coaching offer, or you already have one and it's feeling a little scattered, we will share how to build or refine your back end infrastructure so you can deliver well, streamline your business operations to give your time back and provide you with the peace of mind that comes with knowing you are building intentionally and with excellence in mind. PS Prefer to read? We break it down in full blog post style here. Links and Resources Mentioned in Episode: Free Failed Payment SOP: Get the exact Standard Operating Procedure template we used to recoup failed payments in our online business. BRAND New

  • BTS: How We Recoup Up to $5,000 a Month in Failed Payments on Autopilot

    15/01/2024 Duration: 26min

    PSA — Sales revenue means nothing if you're pouring it into a leaky bucket. In our business, we have between $2,000 and $5,000 a month in failed payments. Lost revenue due to failed payments is a BIG deal in our industry; it's an not-often-spoken-about elephant on the online business room. Side note: I covered this in more detail back in this episode here. The good news, though? Most of it can be recouped. In this podcast, I show you how. PS We HAND you this FULL process, along with the SOP, Email Automation Templates, Email Copy Templates and accompanying instructions, inside of Deliver and Delight in the Lifestyle Business School membership, which drops into Lifestyle Business School this month. Links and Resources Mentioned in Episode: Episode 200: Missed Payments, Payment Plan Defaults and Cash Flow Crunches.. Let’s Talk About ItFree Failed Payment SOP: Get the exact Standard Operating Procedure template we used to recoup failed payments in our online business. BRAND New Deliver and Delight Cour

  • The Secret to Earning $500+ an Hour as an Online Business Owner

    08/01/2024 Duration: 24min

    Pre PS. Want to start the new year with CRYSTAL CLEAR CLARITY on your 2024 business and LIFE endgame? Join Lifestyle Business School now for $149/m and get instant access to Dream and Design. It's included in Lifestyle Business School, and it has HUNDREDS of glowing reviews; I don't speak lightly when I say that completing this process in mid-2023 changed my business and my life for the better. Join here.Did you end 2023 feeling a bit tired of watching other business owners make bank, fly private and spend their December in Bali, when you were sitting at your desk chugging your eighth coffee and wondering how the flip you were going to make it to the end of 2023 without a breakdown? I mean, I've been there and I get it. So, now that we've well and truly closed the book on last year, we have a whole shiny new year ahead of us to make a plan to do things differently. In today's podcast episode, I am sharing with you the EXACT steps required to build a business model that will allow you

  • Shifting Tides: Five BIG Changes In the Online Marketing Space in 2024

    01/01/2024 Duration: 23min

    Pre PS. Want to start the new year with CRYSTAL CLEAR CLARITY on your 2024 business and LIFE endgame? Join Lifestyle Business School now for $149/m and get instant access to Dream and Design. It's included in Lifestyle Business School, and it has HUNDREDS of glowing reviews; I don't speak lightly when I say that completing this process in mid-2023 changed my business and my life for the better. Join here.It's a shiny new year! If there is one thing that I know for sure about the online marketing space, it is that things are changing FAST. Can you believe that just a year ago, no-one had really heard of or used AI? The times are a changin' - and fast. With the calendar year now officially ending in a "4", it's likely that we're all starting to look forward to the year ahead. So, I want to share with you some of the big shifts I have noticed recently in the online marketing space - both in my OWN behaviour, and in consumer sentiment - and how I am thinking about it in my

  • Behind the Scenes: 2023 Unwrapped

    25/12/2023 Duration: 32min

    Pre PS. Want to start the new year with CRYSTAL CLEAR CLARITY on your 2024 business and LIFE endgame? Join Lifestyle Business School now for $149/m and get instant access to Dream and Design. It's included in Lifestyle Business School, and it has HUNDREDS of glowing reviews; I don't speak lightly when I say that completing this process in mid-2023 changed my business and my life for the better. Join here.Do you feel like this year passed by in a blink? It feels like yesterday that I was tucking myself into bed at 8pm on New Years Eve (yes, 8pm).. and now here we are at the end of another shiny year. Today's podcast episode will be released on Boxing Day, and I hope this finds you happy, well and rested. This period between Christmas and New Years Ever is always a time for rest, reflection before ticking over of the calendar on 1 January has us all looking forward, so in today's podcast episode I want to share with you MY year that was, the things I've learnt and what I am taking into

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