Stevie Says Social Podcast

If I Was Starting From Scratch, Here's How I'd Scale a Business to $1m.



Wondering how to start and build an expertise-based online business NOW? Today, I'm going to spill the beans on EXACTLY how I would do it if I was starting from scratch TODAY. The strategy, the how, the "what I'd do differently if I could do it again" - in today's podcast episode I am going to walk you through my full thought process, and how I have implemented much of this in my own business this year. By the end, you'll have complete clarity on how to go about building your OWN expertise-based business based on timeless business strategy and what's working now. ---PS Our Lifestyle Business School members have been working hard and have created their own mini-courses in just six weeks using our Create and Validate process! And, they have made them all available for YOU to register for for free! Browse and register for one or more (all kicking off in Jan) at more?