Stevie Says Social Podcast



If youre a Business Owner or Marketer looking to #LiftYourSocialMediaGame, this is the podcast for you!Get killer trainings on all things Social Media, Content and Digital Marketing. Stand out from the crowd, attract more followers, and most importantly convert those followers into clients + customers. From my own behind-the-scenes insights and no BS strategies to interviews with successful business owners to show you what REALLY works, youll get the roadmap, cheat sheets and secret strategies you need to nail your socials, grow your business and have fun doing it!


  • Attention is Currency: The Three C's of Standing Out in a Saturated Space

    10/07/2023 Duration: 49min

    PRE PS Next week, my friend and client Alyce from Bossy. Copywriting is hosting a free training for small business owners ready to write STAND OUT copy and content. This training is for any product or service-based business owner, freelancer or side hustler that wants to get more attention, make more money and stop staring at the screen every time you need to write a caption! Register HERE.  IF YOU'RE NOT STANDING OUT, YOU'RE FITTING IN - AND FITTING IN IS VANILLA (when you verrrry much want to be Neapolitan with hundred and thousands). Different is good. Standing out is IT. And learning how to craft a brand that oozes personality and helps you sell things (plus stand out in the TIDAL WAVE of AI-SAME SAME content) is an ESSENTIAL skill for all business owners. (In fact, in my humble opinion? It's the secret sauce that makes EVERYTHING ELSE work). So, when I knew I needed to talk stand out copy with you all because I was seeing a DISTINCT lack of spark out there, wayyyyy too many AI crafted capt

  • Planning Your Intentional Pause ⏸

    03/07/2023 Duration: 28min

    Next week, I head to Europe for two and a half weeks. For one and a half of those at the start, I will still be working "in" the business. And for one (at the end), I will be completely off. I'm calling it the "pause". The semicolon. Not quite a full stop, but more? A re-set, re-alignment and re-examination. A time to stop and re-examine my old "yeses", and determine whether they still align today. Because that's all life is, isn't it? Our surroundings, circumstances, lives and businesses - all simply direct results of old "yeses" we committed to at some other time. And which may (or may not) still serve us. To do that requires space, and in my view? A change of circumstance, and of scenery. Something to jolt you enough OUT of the norm to intentionally consider whether that NORM actually still serves you. In this podcast episode, we discussed:✔️ My Pauses to Date✔️ A Pause Should Be a Necessary Prerequisite for Every New Season✔️ The Critical Importance o

  • Personal Brand v Business Brand — How My Thoughts (And Social Handles!) Are Changing

    26/06/2023 Duration: 18min

    Last year, I spent in excess of about $35,000 on a huge rebrand. The thought process was this —> I want to build a company. I have a team and I don’t want it to feel like it’s just about me. Stevie Says Social no longer aligned. And, at the time, all of those things were true. Still are, really. But over the subsequent months, my thoughts on how I want to position my business and personal brand shifted slightly AGAIN, and so in today’s podcast episode I want to share some of that nuance with you in case it serves you also. As with ALL decisions in business, there is no “universal truth” when it comes to these things, only ever what serves YOU and the goals you have. And here, right now, are my thoughts (and upcoming shifts) in terms of what serves ME and this small + mighty business in this moment. In this podcast episode we discuss:✔️ Bringing My Personal Brand Back to Life✔️ Exit Businesses v Lifestyle Businesses✔️ Projects v Businesses✔️ A Personal Brand is the Most Important Superpower You Have Online✔

  • Install These Instagram Systems to Streamline Your Social Media Game

    19/06/2023 Duration: 47min

    Pre PS: My friend and client, The Social Britify, is running a 100% free training series next week called The Insta Overhaul, teaching you what's REALLY working when it comes to marketing on Instagram in 2023 - and specifically, how to use the platform to make a BIG IMPACT and SELL (whilst remaining as your most authentic self and avoiding total resentment towards the app). Sign up and check it out here.If social media feels like a chore, you likely don't have sustainable systems in place. In this week's episode, we explore how to install them into your business to lift your Instagram game.Brittany Worthington is the founder of The Social Britify who you may recognise from last week's podcast episode or, as being one of our case studies inside of our Launchpad program.In this podcast episode, Britt and I explore Instagram systems and strategies to streamline your social media game. Want to install them into YOUR business? In this podcast episode, we discussed:✔️ The Importance of Systems f

  • 7 Strategies Working RIGHT Now on Instagram to Supercharge Your Growth

    12/06/2023 Duration: 48min

    PRE PS. Launchpad is closing THIS WEEK - last chance EVER to join!Sick of wondering what on EARTH is working now on Instagram, and ready for someone to give it to you straight without wading through the muck? That's EXACTLY what I'm here for, and after experiencing a bit of a "lull" in my OWN Instagram game recently, I know I needed to bring someone that knows what's she's talking about on to help ME with what's working right now.Brittany Worthington is the founder of The Social Britify who you may recognise as being one of our case studies inside of our Launchpad program. In this podcast episode, Britt and I explore seven strategies that are working TODAY to supercharge your Instagram growth.. Whether you're a course creator, service provider or coach, these strategies will help you harness the full potential of Instagram and make your content stand out and sell out. Side note: Britt at The Social Britify is holding a FREE challenge kicking off on June 26 to transform

  • Mid-Year Checkpoint Part #2: Create a 12-Month Revenue Roadmap To Hit Your BIG Goals

    05/06/2023 Duration: 24min

    PRE PS We have JUST unlocked access to our FREE, three part profit planning series especially for current and aspiring course creators ready to rock their next 6 months in business. Walk away with a simple, strategic plan for creating your own version of success in business and life with a flagship digital course. Get instant Access to Three Juicy Workshops + Planning Spreadsheets here.Last week, we shared with you that we are opening up FREE, INSTANT access to the Course Creator's Planning Workshop Series we recently held.And if you're currently flying blind without a strategy - or you HAVE a strategy for your next 12 months in business, but it's not working out for you?It's for YOU!You can register here right now.This is the framework we share with the current and aspiring digital course creators that we work with inside of our high level group coaching program Launchpad.And, if YOU want a leveraged business model that allows you to reach your big business revenue and lifestyle goals in

  • Mid-Year Checkpoint Part #1: Reset Your 2023 Vision

    29/05/2023 Duration: 26min

    This week is a big week for me. After three BIG years of planning, construction and building.. and a couple of years of preparing before that, we are finally moving into our "dream home". This is the same home I put on my vision board when I started this business five years ago, and which I have systematically and strategically worked to have come to life.It's one thing to strategise, though.And it's entirely another to quite literally touch, feel and SEE the fruits of that strategic, aligned action come to life. This very exciting moving week got me thinking about the power of vision setting, and using that vision to reverse engineer into a revenue and time goal to make it HAPPEN. So much of the time, we set goals.. only to put them to the side when the hustle and bustle of the year kicks off in favour of "busy work".(Hands up who set BIG goals for 2023, only to wonder how the flip we're in (almost) June and where the flip the year has gone?)For me personally? It was only w

  • Missed Payments, Payment Plan Defaults and Cash Flow Crunches.. Let's Talk About It.

    22/05/2023 Duration: 31min

    Let’s talk about cash flow, because ultimately? CASH is the lifeblood of every business under the sun. Recently, I have had a number of conversations behind the scenes with clients that are feeling challenged managing payment plans, failed payments and the resulting cash flow challenges in their business. In today’s podcast episode, we’re diving deep into payment plans, cash flow management and more. Online course and coaching businesses USUALLY offer payment plans as an option for students and clients that are unable to pay “up front” for an investment. It’s a unique concept, in the sense that the course creator is ultimately shouldering the risk of defaults in the same way a bank would.Here’s 10 things to think about when offering payment plans, and how to minimise your risk in offering them:

  • Launch Debrief Revealed: Behind the Scenes of Launching a Multi-Million Dollar Program

    15/05/2023 Duration: 35min

    Ever wanted a behind the scenes sneak peek into the launch process for a multi-million dollar online program? We've JUST wrapped our final ever group intake of our high level group coaching program Launchpad, with our sixth and final launch. Let's peel back the curtains and talk about what goes into the uber-successful launches you see online.. and, also? Why the "secret sauce" for success may NOT quite be what you think. The last EVER day for enrolments into our Launchpad group coaching program is June 15, 2023.  Apply at more?

  • The Two Step Formula for SOLD OUT SALES of your Online Course or Program

    08/05/2023 Duration: 33min

    PRE PS: THIS WEEK on Thursday, we are hosting a very special LIVE private training where, for the very last time, we are sharing our complete methodology for a successful online course selling system that has a steady flow of highly qualified traffic and a well optimised and high performing selling system.If you've ever been curious to know about our process, we highly recommend that you come along here. There is NO obligation to join us in Launchpad if you just want to come along to the training! It's completely free to come along, and incredibly valuable. ----The formula for sold out sales is SIMPLE, but not easy. Here's the special sauce: Traffic + Conversion = Sold Out Sales. Traffic refers to eyeballs on your offer

  • Revealed: The Nitty Gritty of Running - OR Joining! - a Group Coaching Program (BTS of Launchpad)

    02/05/2023 Duration: 35min

    PRE PS: Have you had "creating a leveraged course, group coaching program" on your "wish list" for far too long? If so, it's time to take action!We're currently enrolling for our VERY LAST EVER enrolment of Launchpad in a special six month container at a six month rate. We also a super special bonus for those that join us.To apply to find out more, and to get an invite to our upcoming LIVE private training where we will be sharing the COMPLETE roadmap for creating, launching and scaling a course with you, click here. The live training is in May, but the earlier you apply, the better your bonus! ;)----Truthbomb: We will NEVER run a program as high touch again at the current price point. Why?Because there's a LOT involved in running a group program at the level we currently do.And so, on the eve of our FINAL intake into Launchpad EVER, we're spilling the beans on EXACTLY what's included in Launchpad, and what is involved in running a group coaching program of this ca

  • Lifestyle Design: How I Am Intentionally Designing My Life for the Lifestyle Business Sweet Spot

    24/04/2023 Duration: 34min

    "Lifestyle Design" is an interesting concept. Very practically, it refers to intentionally designing how you want to live your days, and designing your life FOR that. But, how do you ACTUALLY do it? The truth is, it's NOT an easy path. It requires you to get really honest with yourself, to make some hard decisions and sacrifices in the pursuit of the thing you most want... and then to do the work required to make it happen. "Lifestyle design' requires a conscious -- and sometimes uncomfortable -- series of decisions and actions, and I do think that's why many of us continue on autopilot and maintain the status quo. In today's podcast episode, I am walking you through some very practical steps that I am taking to get more intentional about lifestyle design and how you can implement them, too!In this episode, we discussed:✔️ What Are You Optimising For?;✔️ Define Your Perfect Average Week;✔️ Project Plan;✔️ Define Done;✔️ Start Now;✔️ And MORE!Full show notes for this episode

  • 200+ Clients, $2 Million+ in Revenue + Countless Client Results: We’re Sunsetting Launchpad! Here’s Why (And a VERY EXCITING Final Intake!)

    17/04/2023 Duration: 22min

    April is a month of big, big news for The Course Cartel.And in the second big announcement in less than a week, we're sunsetting our FLAGSHIP group coaching program, Launchpad.I KNOW.Huge.Don't worry though, we will be finishing with a bang... with the opportunity to join us in a 6-month container for the very FIRST and LAST time ever!In today's podcast episode, here's the 411 on our big decision and how you can join us before we sunset Launchpad... for good!In this episode, we discussed:✔️ It's a Strange Time to Make This Decision;✔️ The Cost of Delivery;✔️ Making Bold Decisions Is Scary... But Growth Doesn't Come From Comfort Zones;✔️ Honouring Launchpad with Our LAST Intake, Ever;✔️ And MORE!Full show notes for this episode can be found at: more?

  • I Cancelled My Launch. Here's Why.

    11/04/2023 Duration: 30min

    I was supposed to be launching Legacy, my high level program for established course creators, this week.But, I’m not. The reason is nuanced, but I wanted to share with you my thoughts in the event that it serves you, too. The intention of the Legacy program is to help established course creators to reach the Lifestyle Business Sweet Spot. It’s a mission that many of you aspire to, and I always want to be in integrity when selling something. And, the truth is? Right now, launching Legacy would move me OUT of the Lifestyle Business Sweet Spot.In today's podcast episode, I'm going to share with you how, in many ways, I applied the Legacy framework to MYSELF to help me make this big decision.In this episode, we discussed:✔️ What I Am Optimising For;✔️ Space to Evolve;✔️ My Lifestyle Business Sweet Spot;✔️ Validation;✔️ Prioritising Life;✔️ And MORE!Full show notes for this episode can be found at: more?

  • Why Setting an Arbitrary Revenue Goal is Bad for Business

    03/04/2023 Duration: 17min

    ❌ Do not do this: Set an arbitrary and likely unrealistic revenue goal for your next 12 months (without any clear idea of WHY you’ve set it), burn yourself out hustling to achieve it and then wonder where it all went wrong.Here’s what I so often see:People under $100k a year setting $100k as their revenue goal.People over $100k setting $1m as their revenue goal.And 99% of the online business world selling their coaching and programs off the back of being a “6 figure” or “7 figure” business owner (even if it was for a year in 2020).I’m not a fan of arbitrary revenue goals anymore. Here’s what I AM a fan of instead:1️⃣ Getting clear on the EXACT personal profit goal that will fulfil all of your personal, investing and lifestyle needs.2️⃣ Working out the business profit you need to achieve that (because, you know, taxes).3️⃣ Reverse engineering into a Profit Optimised Business Model to achieve THAT.4️⃣ Enjoying the journey and being okay with it taking more than 1 year to get there.In today's podcast episod

  • ❣️ Business Diagnostic: 76 Questions to Diagnose the Health of Your Course Business

    27/03/2023 Duration: 34min

    It’s true what they say: What got you here, won’t get you there. And, if you're a course creator that has already enjoyed that first sweet taste of success, it's NOT going to be the same “hustle to the top”, “doing allll of the things” mentality that is going to catapult you from where you are into a business that feels as good as it looks, supports the LIFE you want to lead, enjoys high profit margins and doesn't, on any level, burn you out.In today's podcast episode, we're sharing a few key parts of the proprietary business diagnostic to allow you to self-assess the health of your online course business, and to discover the obstacles you need to focus on to get them from where you are, to where you want to be.In this episode, we discussed:✔️ Endgame;✔️ Profit;✔️ Time;✔️ Delivery;✔️ Marketing;✔️ Finances;✔️ Projections;✔️ Metrics;✔️ Project Management;✔️ Workflow;✔️ Accounting;✔️ Planning;✔️ Lean Team;✔️ Tools;✔️ Processes;✔️ And MORE!

  • "I Want A $100k Launch," She Said. "Can I do it?"

    20/03/2023 Duration: 33min

    "I want a $100k launch," she said. "Can I do it?"My answer was simple, and it's the same answer I give to EVERYONE I work with:YES, you can.BUT you can't focus on the 100k to get there.Instead, you need to reverse engineer that dollar figure into KPIs - meaning, how much traffic do I need to reach that goal?And then do whatever it takes to hit that KPI. So often we WANT an outcome, and yet we either don't: 1) Know the metric we need to hit to take us there; or2) REALLY commit to doing the work required to get to that metric once we know it.In today's podcast episode, I am breaking down how to reverse engineer into your first or your next $100k launch from a numbers perspective, and then the commitment mindset required to take you there. In this episode, we discussed:✔️ Standard Conversion Rate;✔️ A Traffic KPI;✔️ A Traffic Plan;✔️ A Rock Solid Commitment to Reach That Metric;✔️ The Ability to Objectively Assess the Result;✔️ And MORE!Full show notes for this episode can

  • ❌ Productivity Keeps You Stuck Working 40 to 60-Hour Work Weeks (Here's What to Focus On Instead)

    13/03/2023 Duration: 31min

    ❌ Newsflash: Productivity is keeping you stuck on the "working all hours" hamster wheel. The definition of productivity is, quite literally, the amount of output you produce. The more you can fit into a day, the more "productive" you are. And as someone juggling a lot, achieving peak productivity used to feel like the holy grail for me. "If only I could learn how to get more things done!" I used to think, "I can finally reach my endgame and FINALLY start working less!" Sounds good in theory, buuuut... Here's what happened. I DID learn how to get more things done.In fact, I managed to achieve more in a week than just about anyone else I knew. And the BY PRODUCT of that? Is that I was then able to fit even MORE in... and so the hamster wheel continued, faster and faster and faster. Get more things done > Able to take on more things > Repeat. I never ended up working LESS, I was just getting way more DONE in the hours I worked. The more productive I was, the mor

  • Are You Building a Business for Life?

    06/03/2023 Duration: 29min

    Are you building a business to support the LIFE you want?If not, why not?There's no use chasing an arbitrary $1 million in revenue if you aren't CLEAR on why you want that amount, or exactly what it will take to get there.In today's podcast episode, we're sharing three things to consider when making the decision to intentionally design a business to support a LIFE that you love. In this episode, we discussed:✔️ Setting a Personal Profit Goal;✔️ The One Thing People Forget When Setting a Personal Profit Goal;✔️ How to Build a Business to Support a Specific Profit Goal;✔️ Different "Impact" Models;✔️ The Importance of LIKING the Lifestyle Your Business Affords You;✔️ And MORE!Full show notes for this episode can be found at: more?

  • Revealed! A Sneak Peek Into My Typical Work Week

    27/02/2023 Duration: 34min

    Revealed! A sneak peek into what day-to-day life looks like as a business owner, mother, partner and friend juggling all of the things! For anyone that has ever wished that they had a behind-the-scenes snapshot of what it's REALLY like to run this business, today's podcast episode is for you. This sneak peek is an insight into how I plan and execute my week. In this episode, we discussed:✔️ The Season I Am IN and Maintenance v Growth Modes;✔️ Day-To-Day Breakdown;✔️ Managing Faults;✔️ Health and Happiness;✔️ And MORE!As mentioned, here is the link to check out the Oura Ring: the most accurate sleep and activity tracker.Full show notes for this episode can be found at: more?

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