Talk, Tales And Trivia



A positive and quirky twist on fun and interesting topics that make up past and present American pop culture.Exciting News! You can now get the Talk, Tales and Trivia App in the App Store:


  • Being Woke - What Does It Mean?

    21/08/2022 Duration: 18min

    In this episode, there is a "Trigger Warning". I break down what "Being Woke" and "Woke-ism" is. In today's culture and in the past it definitely has a meaning.  Social justice, cancel culture, and intersectionality are discussed as being close relatives of the words, "Woke" and "Woke-ism".  How do I and others feel about the Woke-Culture that is permeating the United States? And more importantly, how do you feel about it?  Take a listen and decide for yourself. Please remember to be kind to everybody everywhere when debating these hot-button topics.  Links from this episode:  Find out the utopian definition of "Woke-ism" and buy a tee-shirt or mug to show your support:  Are You Woke? What is the Woke movement - A Fact Sheet: :  A Brief History of Woke-ism:  Converge Media - Woke-ism - The New Religion: https:

  • The Carbon Footprint - What Is It? What Does It Mean For You?

    07/08/2022 Duration: 24min

    In this week’s episode, I look at the carbon footprint and what it means. Did you know that everything you do every day can be calculated and given a number as to the carbon emissions you put out into the atmosphere? I will also give you the facts about the event that happened a little over a decade ago that might be America’s biggest cover-up. And where the words, “carbon footprint” originated. This might be the biggest sham that we’ve been told. But, as usual, I let you decide. Like this episode and share this episode. And question everything! *Remember to be kind to everybody, everywhere. Here are the links for this episode to explore and learn more about the carbon footprint and contemplate this important topic: Carbon footprint calculator: EPA article: Deepwater Horizon BP Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill: Are They Tricking You:

  • The Winner Is Johnny Depp - And How Social Media Played A Role

    05/07/2022 Duration: 31min

    In this episode, my topic is the 6-week Johnny Depp vs. Amber Heard defamation trial. Although some listeners may not find this interesting or important, everything about this trial is critical. Domestic violence stops all the victims from being a vibrant part of society. Having a career, building a friendship, and loving family members. All of it is simply too hard. True, Johnny Depp and Amber Heard are two celebrities, but that doesn’t make their story not worth hearing. You never know when you will be desperate for a place to turn or if someone will need your help. I summarize the trial and have a few audio clips that are heartbreaking. I don’t hesitate to say that the whole 6-week trial was hard to watch. Domestic and sexual violence create psychological and physical damage that will live with victims, sometimes forever. And if you see something, say something because we don’t want anyone to suffer in silence. Be kind To Everybody Everywhere.   Stories and articles in this episode: http://www.batte

  • Ministry of Truth Courtesy of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security

    13/05/2022 Duration: 18min

    If you haven't read the book, 1984 by George Orwell, maybe you ought to really soon. We have a new group at the Department of Homeland Security. The administration is having a tough time deciding on a title... is it the Governance of Truth... Disinformation Board? The Department of Disinformation and what exactly are they doing and watching for?  I'll tell you what I think they're doing in this episode. 1984 by George Orwell is a whole different way of looking at life...dystopian, nightmarish, less free, more work... in a nutshell... totalitarian. The authority... the ruling class... the inner party... it seems that you must speak in quiet mumbling whispers, always afraid of Big Brother whose eyes are watching you at every turn. Keep to yourself. Don't think. Don't speak. Don't write. Do what you are told and everything may be okay. Just don't show dissent and if you do... they tell you that you are in serious trouble.  And when that happens the torture that you thought was the worst gets even more intense an

  • I Was Canceled - Here's What I Learned From It

    08/04/2022 Duration: 37min

    Yes. I got canceled off of twitter two years ago. And worse... I don't even know what I did. It had to be pretty major but I am still waiting for their answer.  Here on this episode I talk about "Cancel Culture" and who does it and how wrong and shameful it is. It is definitely "Un-American". Freedom of speech is being attacked with cancel culture primarily by the people who have different ideologies than those being canceled.  The school kids, adults... celebrities, politicians, musicians, podcasters... no one is above reproach. Except maybe a few handful of so-called great elites. Listen to hear audio from Chris Rock, Will Witt, Tom MacDonald and more. You will go away knowing much more about what "Cancel Culture" is and what you must do to NOT get canceled with one very serious "Call-To-Action" that you must take like it or not.  Links to this episode: Will Witt About Cancel Culture - AJ+ - "What 'Cancel Culture' Ignores About Free Speech" - Chris Rock /

  • The Earth is Flat and Birds Aren't Real - Curious? Listen NOW!

    16/02/2022 Duration: 37min

    In this episode I am talking about the nature of the conspiracy theory. I think the actual word "conspiracy" is negative. So I'm trying to substitute that word with the more positive word "curiosity". I will start by giving the definition of the good old well-known "conspiracy" theory and go from there. Anyway you look at it, we can see individuals following and trying to figure out what's real and what's fake in these theories. To do this individuals will need the help of science, evidence, proof, and research. Question everything is my belief. And then question more. Some believers aren't willing or don't want to look to find the truth but in the end, it's not dangerous... it's actually pretty harmless. I found it's more to do with hanging out with a like-minded group of people and not being alone. It really is okay. With these theories there's a great deal of information out there for you to watch, read, and listen to. And you can then choose what to believe.  And then there's the "Dunning - Kruger Effect"

  • Beijing Winter "Genocide" Olympics 2022 - Fact!

    25/01/2022 Duration: 23min

    February 4th is the date... mark it in your calendar. The day that the Beijing Winter Olympics 2022 officially begins. All the athletes are ready. The olympic village has been built along with the areas where the different winter sports will take place.  There's only a few things missing... can you guess what they are? Human rights, humanitarian compassion, empathy, love, and care for those Chinese individuals that have been left out in the cold (no pun intended)... forgotten by most countries in the west... the crimes of genocide through and by way of torture, prison time, forced labor, child labor, hunger, and sterilization (just to name some) all coming from the same place; the dictatorship of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). In this episode I will first talk about the 1936 Berlin Olympics and how it correlates to the Beijing winter Olympics 2022. Because of the atrocities, persecution, and genocide of some religious groups, there is obvious connection to the two countries and the leaders, Adolf Hitler a

  • Robotics In Japan - An Industrious and Humble Country

    12/01/2022 Duration: 25min

    Did you know that robotics and technology are huge industries in Japan? Seldom do. With all the talk about China's technology, the metaverse, technocracy, and artificial intelligence taking over, we have hardly batted an eye at Japan's robotic and technology industries and the anime art form based on giant robots through graphic novels, TV, and movies.  Not to worry, though. The Japanese are winning in big areas using robots to help their aging population, the disadvantaged, and early education of children in schools everywhere in Japan. It's true. The Japanese are industrious, intelligent, and believe in the future but are also humble, loving and want to help those individuals that need it the most. That's unfortunately an amazing and unbelievable trait nowadays. And if you're wondering, the Japanese are already at the top of their game with programming, algorithms, and robotics...easily. Just because Japan hasn't yelled it from the rooftops doesn't mean they aren't light years ahead of the countries we are

  • Krampus - A Scary Christmas Folklore Creature - Holiday Series

    25/12/2021 Duration: 10min

    Merry Christmas! On this episode I talk about the Austrian/German mythical devil that is "Krampus". He visits children (and some adults) in December prior to Christmas as a reminder to be nice. It's actually more like a threat! There is the belief that he will thrash and carry bad children off to hell for being awful throughout the year. So don't do that! Fascinating though he is, we have luckily missed "Krampus" this year because he generally comes to visit on December 5th and 6th.  And, yes, now in America there are many movies, and books that bring "Krampus" to life. Some entertainment that we can already speculate as being similar to the way "Krampus" lived his mean life. Think "The Grinch", "Scrooge", and George Bailey in "It's A Wonderful Life" and now movies with "Krampus" as the main scary character. They all have a little "Krampus" in them.  Enjoy this episode and be kind and loving to everybody this year or else "Krampus" will visit you, too. Links for this episode: article: "Krampus Chr

  • A Catskills Christmas Tale - Holiday Series

    20/12/2021 Duration: 14min

    In this episode I tell a Christmas story of my very own about going to upstate New York in the wintery holiday season to be with my dear friends in a German-style resort area.  It's true! In 2007 I started going upstate to spend the holiday season with friends. These trips to the Catskills continued for 10 years. It was a great time filled with joy and laughter, and lots of holiday fun! That cozy feeling... the friends, the fireplace, the Christmas tree with multi-colored lights, the great food, the snow, the hot chocolate, the presents... it had it all. Until one day... it didn't. Bavarian Manor / Catskills Getaway:  Keto / low carb pecan pie recipes:  Low carb gingerbread cookie bites (no bake):   Go to: Email me: 

  • Metaverse - Artificial And Augmented Reality Are Coming For You!

    10/12/2021 Duration: 34min

    What is the "Metaverse"? What can I say? There are so many concepts to think about when we want to answer the question. “Singularity”, “Transhumanism”, and the “Metaverse” are some of the hot button words that describe the next era in our reality. Or is it a reality? Is living in an augmented, virtual space a reality? Some would say yes, it can be. You and I will be able to do, be, and decide what happens in our "Metaverse". Well, that sounds cool, right? In this episode, I will leave the question up to you to decide on your own if it's going to self-destruct the beauty of our mind and our physical real world that we do live in. And perhaps the “Metaverse” is a term that is scary to some and curious to others. Any way we look at the “Metaverse”, it's not that new. As a matter of fact, the concept of the technological "Metaverse" has been around for a long time. Carefully studied and crafted for its big reveal. Getting us ready for something that will “blow our minds”, “expand our future”, “make life fun”, “ma

  • We Are Exactly The Same - Is This A World Gone Mad - Must Listen!

    25/11/2021 Duration: 40min

    What is it like to be the same as everyone else? We will hopefully never find out but being the same seems more and more likely as time ticks on. The future of humanity does seem to be going toward a futuristic, technocratic society. And that ought to scare anybody. It's the unknown that is completely uncomfortable.  In this episode, I review the 1993 book, "The Giver" by Lois Lowry. And eventually, in 2014 "The Giver" became a movie, as well.  We quickly learn that everyone in the community is the same. No freedom to speak your feelings, wear what you want, play, sing, dance, or have any kind of enjoyment. The "bad" or destructive behavior is frowned upon and vehemently discouraged. But why? Well, having "difference" was when all the problems and destruction began back and back and back. Many years ago. So "The Elders" in the society, as a whole, decided that in order to make all the destruction and failures go away, all the communities would convert to "sameness", where there will be nothing but success...

  • Freedom Of Speech - What It Means For You - Must Listen!

    02/11/2021 Duration: 31min

    The first amendment. We all have these wonderful rights but do you know what all of these rights entail? There are five rights in this great, and all-important, first amendment. Freedom of speech, freedom to assemble (protest) peaceably, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, and the freedom to redress a grievance.  These unalienable rights that are our first amendment were addressed many years ago by our founding fathers and are so important to us all. It was our great "Founding Fathers" that realized and could foresee what might happen in the future if the first amendment wasn't created.  Without the first amendment and all that it encompasses, we Americans would not be able to live our lives and do what we want when we want, and how we want. We wouldn't be able to express ourselves (with our actions), voice our opinions, and have debates. Americans would find it extremely difficult, if not impossible, to be able to listen to the news, listen to music, go on the internet, read or write a book, protest f

  • Are You Ready For The Internet of All Things? - It's All About YOU

    11/10/2021 Duration: 35min

    Have you heard of the "Internet of Things"? The "Internet of Behavior", the "Internet of Everything"? The "Internet of All Things"? No. Neither had I but, as I was sitting quietly on a Sunday afternoon there it was... the article on the "Internet of All Things". Very intriguing. Here, too, as in the last episode, I discover and uncover yet another part of technocracy. The "Internet of All Things" and the SMART devices we can't live without...or can we?  I always harken back to my own quote, "Everything has to do with everything." and in this episode that everything is YOU. The Internet of All Things starts innocent enough... one app here, permission to use your location there, easy banking from your phone, you can see how it would get out of hand very quickly.  It's an interconnected web (or cloud) that involves gathering everything about you. Your habits, your behaviors, your various locations, your banking data, your shopping data, when you do things, and with whom you do them. It keeps getting deeper and m

  • Technocracy 101 - The Future Is Now

    02/10/2021 Duration: 32min

    What is technocracy? What is a technocrat? It's technology on steroids and much more than that. The individuals that make up the elite world of technocracy are very special. And they call themselves technocrats. They really do know what's best for themselves, the elites, the country, the world, and ultimately YOU, or so we've been told.  Technocrats see the world differently. And if I could get into the brain of a technocrat for only an hour, I suppose I would start to understand where their thoughts are and why these individuals do what they do, and think what they think. It would be a difficult hour for sure. In the scientific, technology, bioethics, eugenic, biosphere the technocrat has much to be excited about. The upcoming advancements in artificial intelligence, space exploration, and sustainable living could be great but there might be a hidden agenda. What about the downside of technocracy? Is there a downside? The so-called "Death Panels" seem rather sinister and I don't think all humans are ready to

  • America's Shadow Government

    13/09/2021 Duration: 31min

    What is a "Shadow Government"? That is the topic this week on Truth Detective. As some would say, it's very complicated. And it really is! The concept of a shadow government involves many deep, dark, and perhaps, sinister secrets that are invisible to most all Americans. We have two choices here. We can ignore the secrecy of what's going on behind closed doors in the government or we can research and question everything about what's going on behind closed doors.  If we choose the latter we might be able to make the incremental changes that will help Americans get back into control, even if it's in small ways. Links in this episode: A New World Order Brought To You By Covid-19 And The Global Deep State: America's Secret Government: Unaffected By-Elections, Beyond The Reach Of The Law: Who Is Running The Biden Ad

  • Orwellian "1984"-Style Group-Think

    08/09/2021 Duration: 42min

    Do you belong to a group of like-minded individuals? Maybe, perhaps, it's a club that is enlightening and fun? That can be great. A Jeep Wrangler group is fantastic for me but no matter who you are or where you live there's a group of like-minded individuals waiting to share lighthearted experiences with it a motorcycle group, a book group, a sewing group? Take your pick according to your interests and passions. I call these gatherings and meetings, extra-curricular groups with extra-curricular activities. These groups don't take you away from the true meaning of, laughter, fun, self-development, being with family, friends, and the people you care most about. They allow for your own authenticity and autonomy to stay intact.  But do you belong to a group that allows thoughts of a negative nature? And does that group have questionable deeds, and actions that aren't so desirable in today's socio-political climate? Fighting, rioting, protesting? Perhaps it's a group or club that might secretly

  • We Are Being Brainwashed - Truth Bomb

    31/08/2021 Duration: 36min

    Do you believe you're being brainwashed? Nowadays, I think we all are in one way or another. But not to worry. Your Truth Detective is on the case. Learn with me how to know when you may be vulnerable to brainwashing. The steps to brainwashing are not complex at all. As a matter of fact, all a brainwasher has to do is know a small amount of psychology to begin the process. Isolation An attack on self-esteem Us vs. Them mentality Blind obedience And ongoing indoctrination, testing, and repetition to keep you brainwashed. Then there's the exploration of what being a "follower" is. In the end, the word sheep or "sheeple" comes to mind when we talk about "followers". And after I go down the list on "Do this if you want to be a "sheeple", I ask you to ignore everything I said to do and then do the exact opposite. After all, you are smart and don't fall for these tactics, right? That's the way to real freedom. It's all good. Whatever you decide to do, or say or think is fantastic and it's in the constitution's 1s

  • Totalitarian Society And The Freedoms We Have

    23/08/2021 Duration: 25min

    Totalitarian regimes. What a disheartening, demoralizing, and hard way to live. Starvation, lack of work, and the persecution of anyone who protests are what life is like for these unfortunate people. The leaders of these countries (I use North Korea as an example) have nothing but selfish and greedy intentions. These countries treat humans as chattel and will execute anyone that doesn't abide by the rules of the dictator. It's a sad truth. Think about the freedoms we have here in America; the best country in the world. And how we ultimately can't afford to lose our rights and liberties. After all, we have the constitution that puts the citizens first. It clearly states the government works for us, not the other way around.  Be proud and feel fortunate we were born in a country that is definitely flawed in some ways but ultimately cares about the citizens.  Until next time keep questioning everything! That's when the real truth comes out. Links in this episode: "Animal Farm" by George Orwell:

  • What Is Critical Race Theory - Division And Seperation Of A Nation

    16/08/2021 Duration: 34min

    Critical race theory is coming to a country near you. Well, not really because it's actually here right now. It's a sad realization. It will divide and do its very best to conquer. And it doesn't have a happy ending. Quite the contrary. There is no happy ending in the land of CRT where racism, white privilege, the oppressors, the oppressed, and  "wokeness" live.  Critical race theory (CRT, for short) is taking over our nation fast in the most insidious ways. The schools, private companies, federal agencies, and the military all have components of CRT.  In 2021, an already trying year for us all, this is the last thing America needs right now. Say goodbye to proficiency in education, caring about people of all races, and non-judgemental experiences throughout your day.  Is this the start of a real Marxist society or have we been watching it little by little creep upon us while we were asleep at the wheel? I think so and I think we've all had enough. We have had enough of the so-called authority along with the

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