Talk, Tales And Trivia



A positive and quirky twist on fun and interesting topics that make up past and present American pop culture.Exciting News! You can now get the Talk, Tales and Trivia App in the App Store:


  • Collectors - Dystopian Stories Series

    06/01/2024 Duration: 06min

    Collectors -  In the frozen wasteland of Antarctica, the Truth Detectives go to investigate what is going on with weather events related to the so-called climate change. Droughts, hurricanes, earthquakes, and fires were blamed on climate change. Are we being told a lie? And who is making the decisions regarding the weather and why?  We unravel evidence by going undercover to get fact-based evidence that saves humankind. I hope you find these short audio episodes interesting and I encourage listeners to do some deep-diving research on the stories told in these episodes. All in story form, they have a level of truth behind them but please note that I took certain liberties with these stories. Cheers, Stephanie Lee

  • Antarctic Secret - Dystopian Stories Series

    04/01/2024 Duration: 07min

     Antarctic Secret -  Who exactly is making the decisions about mankind, and how we live? In Antarctica, we discover a few of many well-known globalists who take charge of a devious plan. In an act of courage, we take them down exposing the truth.  I hope you find these short audio episodes interesting and I encourage listeners to do some deep-diving research on the stories told in these episodes. All in story form, they have a level of truth behind them but please note that I took certain liberties with these stories. Cheers, Stephanie Lee

  • A New Year Declaration - The Warriors

    02/01/2024 Duration: 05min

    Sit down for 5 minutes or so with your glass of wine, coffee, or hot cocoa and enjoy this story break from the usual despair of the Truth Detective.   The Warriors I desire to give all of the listeners of Truth Detective the hope of a great new year - 2024. It will be a year to remember this year and for many, many years to come. Cheers, Stephanie Lee

  • Day 5 of 5 Dystopian Christmas Stories - A Smart City Christmas

    25/12/2023 Duration: 06min

    Sit down around your christmas tree for 5 minutes or so with your glass of wine, coffee, or hot cocoa and enjoy this break from the usual despair of the Truth Detective.   Listen to this day 5 of the 5 Days of Dystopian Christmas Stories. A Smart City Christmas I desire to give all of the listeners of Truth Detective the hope of a great Christmas this year and for many, many years to come. Enjoy and Merry Christmas! Cheers, Stephanie Lee

  • Day 4 of 5 Dystopian Christmas Stories - An Alien Christmas

    23/12/2023 Duration: 06min

    Sit down around your christmas tree for 5 minutes or so with your glass of wine, coffee, or hot cocoa and enjoy this break from the usual despair of the Truth Detective.   Listen to this day 4 of the 5 Days of Dystopian Christmas Stories. An Alien Christmas I desire to give all of the listeners of Truth Detective the hope of a great Christmas this year and for many, many years to come. Enjoy and Merry Christmas! Cheers, Stephanie Lee

  • Day 3 of 5 Dystopian Christmas Stories - A Very Merry Christmas

    22/12/2023 Duration: 05min

    Sit down around your christmas tree for 5 minutes or so with your glass of wine, coffee, or hot cocoa and enjoy this break from the usual despair of the Truth Detective.   Listen to this day 3 of the 5 Days of Dystopian Christmas Stories. A Very Merry Christmas I desire to give all of the listeners of Truth Detective the hope of a great Christmas this year and for many, many years to come. Enjoy and Merry Christmas! Cheers, Stephanie Lee

  • Day 2 of 5 Dystopian Christmas Stories - A Christmas Wedding

    21/12/2023 Duration: 06min

    Sit down around your christmas tree for 5 minutes or so with your glass of wine, coffee, or hot cocoa and enjoy this break from the usual despair of the Truth Detective.   Listen to this day 2 of the 5 Days of Dystopian Christmas Stories. A Christmas Wedding I desire to give all of the listeners of Truth Detective the hope of a great Christmas this year and for many, many years to come. Enjoy and Merry Christmas! Cheers, Stephanie Lee

  • Day 1 of 5 Dystopian Christmas Stories - The Rebels of Christmas

    20/12/2023 Duration: 07min

    Sit down around your Christmas tree for 5 minutes or so with your glass of wine, coffee, or hot cocoa and enjoy this break from the usual despair of the Truth Detective.   Listen to this day 1 of the 5 Days of Dystopian Christmas Stories. The Rebels Of Christmas I desire to give all of the listeners of Truth Detective the hope of a great Christmas this year and for many, many years to come. Enjoy and Merry Christmas! Cheers, Stephanie Lee

  • A Big Secret Society

    13/12/2023 Duration: 26min

    This episode is about the Committee of 300 and the Club of Rome. Nobody is supposed to know about these two secret societies, but we are starting to figure out the secrets and how they impact our lives.  I utilize the book, Conspirators Hierarchy - Committee of 300 by John D. Coleman to quote important information that many people don't know exists.  Interestingly, not a lot is written about this secret society. This makes me wonder who's pulling the strings.  You can buy the book from Amazon here: Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300 by Dr. John Coleman  PDF Version from the CIA website The Committee of 300': Complete list of members (as of 2010): 

  • We Suspected That's What "They" Were Doing - Vindication

    08/08/2023 Duration: 48min

    Depopulation, Anyone? IMPORTANT EPISODE! "They" are not nice people. It's true. It's upsetting. It's disgusting. Do you mean to tell me everything I've seen in the past 50+ years has been a lie? Yes.   Through some very dedicated and key people, we all have discovered the true agenda 2030. And I'm sure my Truth Detective listeners won't be surprised. How will it end? Are you sure you want to know? Links in this episode (more to come): Kamala Harris Gaffe!  Malthus Theory of Population | Learn Economics on Ecoholics - Thomas Malthus on Population - BMJ website - Thomas Malthus (1766–1834): population growth and birth control - Kissinger Report 200 - UNITED NATIONS POPULATION INFORMATION NETWORK (POPIN) -

  • The Nine Most Terrifying Words In The English Language

    25/07/2023 Duration: 01h06min

    This episode is a video-cast and will be out soon. In the meantime, here is the edited version of the video as a audio podcast episode. Keep your eyes peeled for the video and more links in the show notes. The episode has a recurring theme with four examples: Artificial Intelligence and algorithms (Yuval Noah Harari recap) Bobby Kennedy, Jr. for President / His platform Climate change mania The UFO/UAP important information happening now ... Dr. Steven Greer, whistleblowers, etc.  Links in this episode: Ronald Reagan/The Nine Most Terrifying Words:  Future of Life Institute /Pause on AI: The Hill/James Cameron interview... weaponization of AI: Kennedy 24:  Bobby Kennedy, Jr. / Children's Health Defense/The Defender:  'It Boggles t

  • Algorithms and AI - Yuval Noah Harari

    24/06/2023 Duration: 34min

    In this episode, I talk about artificial intelligence and the use of algorithms in today's brave new world (domination) of the 21st Century. And we are all going to have to be brave. Big things are about to go down. Silicon Valley high-powered techies, along with AI guru and World Economic Forum member, Yuval Noah Harari have already started the transformation from the world of conscience/sentient human beings to that of artificial intelligence and the use of algorithms.   This might prove to be a horrific mistake because as the World Economic Forum has said to us many times, this is the new normal for civilization going forward. But what if you or I don't want to go forward into the unknown? Or don't want to be in the world of the new normal? We will have to adapt or be left behind with the holdouts... those that can't, won't, and will never make the big leap forward to a world we know little about. Welcome to the expanded horizon of Artificial Intelligence. The research used for this episode: The Week - 'A.

  • Who Is the WHO? A Demonic and Evil Agenda

    13/05/2023 Duration: 44min

    What is the World Health Organization? If you're thinking this must be an organization that does great and humanitarian projects for the world then you will be disappointed. This is an episode that you don't want to miss... you can't afford to miss it because your very life, your children's lives, and your grandchildren's lives may very well depend on it! I am not being hyperbolic here! With lots of audio clips from influential people within the political, and scientific fields this episode is one you will want to share.  DON'T MISS 'CREEPY BILL GATES STRIKES AGAIN' AT TIMESTAMP 33:00. I expose him for the twisted creep he really is.  Links used in this episode (more to come): World Health Regulations (IHR) Overview – WHO website: Connecting the agenda website - Connecting the Rockefellers to the United Nations (article):  Naomi Wolf on the Stephen B

  • These Globalists Are Creepy AF!

    20/04/2023 Duration: 30min

    George Soros is another guy from the World Economic Forum that is just as creepy as Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, and Yuval Noah Harari. They all have influence, power, and money and are not even a little bit afraid of the consequences that they may be facing, for themselves and others. As is said, karma is a bitch.  I'm only getting started exposing these globalists for the creeps that they are.  SUBSCRIBE. FOLLOW. SHARE. Resources used in this episode (more to come): President George H.W. Bush Announces Persian Gulf War 1-16-91(video): Watch this documentary on George Soros detailing his early financial career - The Investor Who Rules the World - George Soros documentary:  YouTube query on George Soros (various videos):  Life News website – George Soros Spent About $500 Million Trying To Buy Elections For Democrats (article):

  • Evil Fascist Plans for Our Future By Global Elitists - Davos, 2023

    01/02/2023 Duration: 32min

    This episode is about the World Economic Forum's members who attend the big meeting in Davos, Switzerland every January. This year it became clear that there is still a high level of hypocrisy among the members and the elitists.  There are open sessions for all of us that we can see on the World Economic Forum website ( ). But then there are the "closed-door" secret meetings that are clearly where most of the big decisions are made. Corporate leaders, officials, political leaders, and elitists with a lot of money are there thinking hard and networking to wheel and deal, and collaborate. It sounds like hard work. Is it really, though? We hear about the parties, the musical concerts, delicious food and drinks (with lots of meat), skiing, and other activities that I hadn't thought of.  Go to to see the videos that this independent news media group collected. It's great! My special sponsor is You all know I'm a lover of coffee and I have an ex

  • Will You Live In A 15-Minute City? You Might Not Have A Choice

    13/01/2023 Duration: 34min

    The World Economic Forum and its Great Reset is making the 15-Minute City a scary reality. It's rolling out totalitarian rules in cities regarding climate change "alarmism' with the trial run starting in Oxford, England in January 2024 and then moving to other cities in the future.  Links in this episode: Canada's Dr. Tam's Holiday Health Check with the North Pole (video):  World Economic Forum 15-Minute City - Putting people at the center of urban transformation:  UN Agenda 2030 Beware: '15-Minute Cities' Are Another Globalists Scheme to Control, Punish, Surveil, and Imprison You (Katie Hopkins explains - lots of videos): Richard Vobes - I bet Oxford council hasn't thought of this (video): and The Insidious 'Restriction of Movement' trial in Oxford (video):

  • Will Elon Own Everything? Unedited Video To Audio Version

    09/12/2022 Duration: 41min

    Does Elon own everything? No. But he owns a lot of stuff... including Twitter... free speech, anyone? I discuss my thoughts on the Twitter files, Elon's other ventures, and that he believes there's a possibility that we might be living in a simulation. Cool things to think about! And what are his possible thoughts about the World Economic Forum and the Great Reset? Videos and research I used / more to come later Big Bang Theory cameo appearance with Elon:  Joe Rogan and Elon Musk - Are we in a Simulated Reality?:  "We Are Living In A Simulation. Wake up!" - Elon Musk:  AI Expert Lex Friedman Weighs in on Simulation Theory /  Joe Rogan Experience:  Nick Bostrom: Why Our Brains Themselves May Be Simulated / Joe Rogan Experience:  Recommended Books: Superintelligence Paths, Dangers, Strategies by Nick Bostrom The Trap by David Icke https://amzn.t

  • Evil Is At Your Doorstep - Don't Let It In - Listen NOW!

    29/11/2022 Duration: 25min

    This episode picks up where the last one left off. I am talking about the World Economic Forum and "The Great Reset". What a concept.  What do you get when you put a whole bunch of unelected elites, unelected bureaucrats, and high-end globalists in one place? Mayhem, chaos, destruction, and pure evil.  In this episode, I continue talking about the World Economic Forum and its baby, "The Great Reset". What is that, you ask? Well, it's not good... a matter of fact it's pretty bad and unfortunately, we will have to listen to those that are not in government that is making the rules for us to live by. Inflation, food shortages, skyrocketing gas prices, farmers losing their land, the southern border being out of control with migrants, unbelievably taking away our first amendment rights, economic troubles, high unemployment, critical race theory being taught in schools, transgender mutilation of minors, and more are at stake. The far-left administration, including Biden, is going down a terrible path leading mostly

  • The Globalists And Elites Are Coming For You - Listen To This!

    29/10/2022 Duration: 24min

    This is an episode with some very important research in it. And it involves each and every one of us. I have been diving deep to get you started on your research. And I have left you the links and information I used so that you can go down that rabbit hole and explore on your own.    Call to action on this topic: Become aware of the World Economic Forum and its mission. Do research on the World Economic Forum from their own website. Since the WEF is in the news lately... do you wonder why that is? Why Is the WEF saying there’s nothing to “see here” and clearly has a hidden agenda? Get opposing/dissenting views on the WEF and CO2 output (climate change) through podcasts, digital news, and alternative sources that you might not have known to exist.  Don’t blindly believe everything you hear. One might say that politicians and the administration would stop the World Economic Forum from doing nefarious activities. Why aren't they? (this one might surprise you). Share this episode with friends, family, neighbors

  • Podcast Movement Kerfuffle - Free And Dissenting Speech

    08/09/2022 Duration: 20min

    My favorite part of the constitution is the first amendment which our freedom of speech is written about. Without this precious amendment, we wouldn't have the right to speak, share thoughts, and ideas, write books, make movies and art, or anything else. We would be silenced. But what happens when only one ideology or thought is listened to? Confusion, chaos, divisive words, actions, and anger... a lot of anger. I address this issue here in the episode. I tell a story that happened only weeks ago at Podcast Movement 2022 in Dallas, Texas. Suffice it to say, there was a kerfuffle regarding The Daily Wire and the Podcast Movement event and it wasn't pleasant.  This might be "the thing" that brings a lot of questions to the forefront. And dissenting views might, hopefully, bring us together in this divisive world. Please! Remember to be kind to everybody everywhere.  Links in this episode: 'Why We Need Dissenters As Badly As Ever' article:

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