Talk, Tales And Trivia

Totalitarian Society And The Freedoms We Have



Totalitarian regimes. What a disheartening, demoralizing, and hard way to live. Starvation, lack of work, and the persecution of anyone who protests are what life is like for these unfortunate people. The leaders of these countries (I use North Korea as an example) have nothing but selfish and greedy intentions. These countries treat humans as chattel and will execute anyone that doesn't abide by the rules of the dictator. It's a sad truth. Think about the freedoms we have here in America; the best country in the world. And how we ultimately can't afford to lose our rights and liberties. After all, we have the constitution that puts the citizens first. It clearly states the government works for us, not the other way around.  Be proud and feel fortunate we were born in a country that is definitely flawed in some ways but ultimately cares about the citizens.  Until next time keep questioning everything! That's when the real truth comes out. Links in this episode: "Animal Farm" by George Orwell: