Talk, Tales And Trivia

Metaverse - Artificial And Augmented Reality Are Coming For You!



What is the "Metaverse"? What can I say? There are so many concepts to think about when we want to answer the question. “Singularity”, “Transhumanism”, and the “Metaverse” are some of the hot button words that describe the next era in our reality. Or is it a reality? Is living in an augmented, virtual space a reality? Some would say yes, it can be. You and I will be able to do, be, and decide what happens in our "Metaverse". Well, that sounds cool, right? In this episode, I will leave the question up to you to decide on your own if it's going to self-destruct the beauty of our mind and our physical real world that we do live in. And perhaps the “Metaverse” is a term that is scary to some and curious to others. Any way we look at the “Metaverse”, it's not that new. As a matter of fact, the concept of the technological "Metaverse" has been around for a long time. Carefully studied and crafted for its big reveal. Getting us ready for something that will “blow our minds”, “expand our future”, “make life fun”, “ma