Talk, Tales And Trivia

Are You Ready For The Internet of All Things? - It's All About YOU



Have you heard of the "Internet of Things"? The "Internet of Behavior", the "Internet of Everything"? The "Internet of All Things"? No. Neither had I but, as I was sitting quietly on a Sunday afternoon there it was... the article on the "Internet of All Things". Very intriguing. Here, too, as in the last episode, I discover and uncover yet another part of technocracy. The "Internet of All Things" and the SMART devices we can't live without...or can we?  I always harken back to my own quote, "Everything has to do with everything." and in this episode that everything is YOU. The Internet of All Things starts innocent enough... one app here, permission to use your location there, easy banking from your phone, you can see how it would get out of hand very quickly.  It's an interconnected web (or cloud) that involves gathering everything about you. Your habits, your behaviors, your various locations, your banking data, your shopping data, when you do things, and with whom you do them. It keeps getting deeper and m