Talk, Tales And Trivia

Freedom Of Speech - What It Means For You - Must Listen!



The first amendment. We all have these wonderful rights but do you know what all of these rights entail? There are five rights in this great, and all-important, first amendment. Freedom of speech, freedom to assemble (protest) peaceably, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, and the freedom to redress a grievance.  These unalienable rights that are our first amendment were addressed many years ago by our founding fathers and are so important to us all. It was our great "Founding Fathers" that realized and could foresee what might happen in the future if the first amendment wasn't created.  Without the first amendment and all that it encompasses, we Americans would not be able to live our lives and do what we want when we want, and how we want. We wouldn't be able to express ourselves (with our actions), voice our opinions, and have debates. Americans would find it extremely difficult, if not impossible, to be able to listen to the news, listen to music, go on the internet, read or write a book, protest f