Talk, Tales And Trivia

The Earth is Flat and Birds Aren't Real - Curious? Listen NOW!



In this episode I am talking about the nature of the conspiracy theory. I think the actual word "conspiracy" is negative. So I'm trying to substitute that word with the more positive word "curiosity". I will start by giving the definition of the good old well-known "conspiracy" theory and go from there. Anyway you look at it, we can see individuals following and trying to figure out what's real and what's fake in these theories. To do this individuals will need the help of science, evidence, proof, and research. Question everything is my belief. And then question more. Some believers aren't willing or don't want to look to find the truth but in the end, it's not dangerous... it's actually pretty harmless. I found it's more to do with hanging out with a like-minded group of people and not being alone. It really is okay. With these theories there's a great deal of information out there for you to watch, read, and listen to. And you can then choose what to believe.  And then there's the "Dunning - Kruger Effect"