Talk, Tales And Trivia

Orwellian "1984"-Style Group-Think



Do you belong to a group of like-minded individuals? Maybe, perhaps, it's a club that is enlightening and fun? That can be great. A Jeep Wrangler group is fantastic for me but no matter who you are or where you live there's a group of like-minded individuals waiting to share lighthearted experiences with it a motorcycle group, a book group, a sewing group? Take your pick according to your interests and passions. I call these gatherings and meetings, extra-curricular groups with extra-curricular activities. These groups don't take you away from the true meaning of, laughter, fun, self-development, being with family, friends, and the people you care most about. They allow for your own authenticity and autonomy to stay intact.  But do you belong to a group that allows thoughts of a negative nature? And does that group have questionable deeds, and actions that aren't so desirable in today's socio-political climate? Fighting, rioting, protesting? Perhaps it's a group or club that might secretly