Love-based Money



Is money a struggle for you? If it is, you're not alone. Money issues affect us all, regardless of how much or how little we're making. But, what if it doesn't have to be? What if you could instead attract all the abundance you want without fear or worry or anxiety. It's completely possible and the Love-Based Money podcast is here to help. Based on the "Love-Based Money and Mindset" book by bestselling author Michele PW (Pariza Wacek), this podcast explores all aspects of making money -- from the practical business and marketing strategies to tips on shifting your mindset and raising your vibration to attract all the prosperity you desire. You'll be able to listen in to inspiring stories from successful entrepreneurs, authors and more, share how they overcame their own money challenges to now enjoying peaceful prosperity. You can learn more about the love-based philosophy on the


  • Episode #29 - Laura West on Love-Based Money with Michele PW

    11/05/2017 Duration: 33min

    Bringing Creativity—and Profit—Into Business. In this episode, Michele interviews Laura West, marketing coach and strategist, and founder of the Center for Joyful Business. On the podcast, she shares advice for growing your business using the alchemy of creative power. In this episode, you learn: Several different places in your life where your creativity shows up—places you might not even realize you're being creative—and why it's critical to recognize them. How your creativity is tied to your money, and how that's reflected back at you in your experiences. The one thing you must do if you want to succeed, financially. Why it's difficult to see the patterns from your own life that ultimately show you the way to your creative power, and an idea for getting a different perspective. Why it's so important to bring both the masculine and the feminine energy to your business, especially as it relates to creativity. And more. Laura says that when you can find your strength and stand in your creative power, you ca

  • Episode #28 – Michael Neeley on Love-Based Money with Michele PW

    05/05/2017 Duration: 26min

    Download this Episode Remaining in the Flow of Abundance. In this episode, Michele interviews Michael Neeley, founder and host of the Consciously Speaking podcast. On the podcast, he shares advice for getting—and staying—in the flow of abundance, even when feelings of scarcity come up. In this episode, you learn: How the flow of money in your life is like the flow of blood in your body, and tips for making money flow to you, even in unexpected ways. What to do when you feel scarcity, or anxiety around not having enough money (or enough of anything!), so you can make solid decisions on how to move forward. One phrase to remove from your vocabulary if you ever want to experience true abundance. A perspective shift that will help you go from feeling lack to taking back your power when it comes to money. An important concept that will bring you peace, even during periods of time when you're not making as much as money as you'd like to. And more. Michael says he views money as an exchange of energy, and it's thi

  • Episode #27 - Lisa Robbin Young on Love-Based Money with Michele PW

    27/04/2017 Duration: 27min

    Building a Business Doing What You Love, Without Killing Yourself or Selling Your Soul to Do It. In this episode, Michele interviews Lisa Robbin Young, host of Creative Freedom, founder of Ark Entertainment Media, creative entrepreneur … and former financial adviser. On the podcast, she shares advice for not only following your dreams, but also for making good money doing so. In this episode, you learn: The one mindset shift you must make if you ever hope to earn more money (when Lisa made this shift, she was finally able to get the same financial results her clients were getting—building their businesses to six, seven and even eight figures!). If you don't make it, you'll never bring in (or keep) the money you dream of making. A proven process for stepping outside of your comfort zone without being paralyzed by fear (because that's the only way to grow!). Why you don't need a backup plan, even if that's what your mama's always told you. And more. Lisa says many people are living their "Plan B," which they

  • Episode #26 - Alicia Forest on Love-Based Money with Michele PW

    20/04/2017 Duration: 30min

    Setting Boundaries to Create a Priority-Based Business. In this episode, Michele interviews Alicia Forest, Intuitive Business Strategist and Lifestyle Designer. On the podcast, she shares practical tips for setting boundaries so heart-centered, conscious, and spiritual entrepreneurs can leverage their work, and enjoy more time off. In this episode, you learn: A practical strategy for implementing your decision to go from whatever you're doing now to living your dream entrepreneurial life (this is actionable, and proven!). How to prioritize effectively, so you're where you want to be, when you want to be there—while still getting all of your work done, earning money, and avoiding overwhelm. Alicia's single most powerful tip for restructuring your time, if you're ready to shift from one lifestyle, job or venture, to another. A quick, simple decision-making tool to use when deciding whether to incorporate a certain task into your day or into your business. And more. Alicia advocates for letting go of the stran

  • Episode #25 - Jenny Fenig on Love-Based Money with Michele PW

    13/04/2017 Duration: 34min

    “Get gutsy”: shifting out of corporate life and into your calling. In this episode, Michele interviews Jenny Fenig, author and founder of the Get Gutsy Movement, which comprises the Get Gutsy Coach Training School, the Get Gutsy Podcast and Get Gutsy University. On the podcast, she shares tips and advice for following your gut instinct to create a life you love while experiencing success on your own terms. In this episode, you learn: What to do when you hear that inner voice piping up, telling you that you’re not doing what truly fulfills you (hint: this may not be your first inclination!). Advice for handling the transition from corporate life to entrepreneurial life, and how to do it so it works for you. How to move forward into a change or transition, even (or especially) when you’re experiencing paralyzing fear. When to push and when to let go, as you begin creating a life that fulfills you. How to find a balance between masculine energy and feminine energy, as a way to avoid burnout and overwhelm. And m

  • Episode #24 - Penelope Jane Smith on Love-Based Money with Michele PW

    06/04/2017 Duration: 27min

    Shifting your own personal economy through a sacred relationship with your money. In this episode, Michele interviews Prosperity and Wealth Mentor Penelope Jane Smith. On the podcast, she shares the story about her own personal struggles with money, including how she lost more than $6 million of her own money - and her business partners' money - in the real estate market, and how that experience affected her. She also shares the epiphany she had that empowered her to turn things around. In this episode, you learn: One thing you must do, regularly, if you want to become magnetic to money (this is so simple—but it works!). A 4-step process for getting more unexpected checks in the mail. The significant impact the quality of the questions you ask yourself has on the quality of your life. One specific mindset shift Penelope credits with jumpstarting the results she was getting in her speaking business. And more. Michele says Penelope's story is inspirational, because it shows that there is hope - a light at the

  • Episode #23 - Samantha Bennett on Love-Based Money with Michele PW

    30/03/2017 Duration: 23min

    How to stop fear from standing in the way of your creative pursuits, in just 15 minutes per day. In this episode, Michele interviews Samantha Bennett, founder of The Organized Artist Company and co-author of "Get It Done: From Procrastination to Creative Genius in Just 15 Minutes a Day." On the podcast, she shares practical tips for overcoming the fear that stands in the way of your creative pursuits. In this episode, you learn how to:  Beat procrastination and perfectionism, for good, in one fell swoop. Finally get your work out there so you can get paid for it (and you will!). Move past the feelings of "I'm not ready," so you can grasp the opportunities that present themselves. "Promote" fear-based feelings into love- or hope-based feelings - so you can stop fear from stopping YOU. "Bribe" yourself correctly, so you take action and feel rewarded (there's only one method that works, according to Samantha). And more. Michele shares how she has used Samantha's techniques herself to write two non-fiction book

  • Episode #22 - Therese Skelly on Love-Based Money with Michele PW

    23/03/2017 Duration: 25min

    Mastering the Inner and Outer Games of Marketing. In this episode, Michele interviews Therese Skelly, Happy in Business Marketing & Mindset Coach, (a quick heads-up - there is some mildly profane language, so grab a headset if you've got little ones running around!). She’s featured in the “Fear of Success/Fear of Failure/Money and More” chapter of the Love-Based Online Marketing book, and on the podcast, she shares her advice for learning the lessons money teaches you. In this episode, you learn: How to approach the concept of a journey, or evolution, and why it's essential to do the inner work when these concepts come up in your life – so you can live in alignment with your purpose. How to make the most of the lessons money brings your way. Where to find inner strength, even when things aren't going well, financially, so you can live with calm and inner peace. And more. Therese Skelly is the Happy in Business Marketing & Mindset Coach. She is passionate about helping heart centered entrepreneurs pl

  • Episode #21 - Love-Based Money with Michele PW: Dealing with Mean People

    16/03/2017 Duration: 16min

    Dealing with Mean People. In this episode, Michele flies solo! She talks about what to do when you're starting to get visibility, and mean people rear their heads in an attempt to knock you down a few notches. Many folks (including entrepreneurs) will prefer to "shrink" and dim their light rather than deal with the pain of criticism and negativity ... not to mention who wants to be a target of the truly mean, nasty and hateful things people can and do say? In this episode, you learn: What mean people have to do with love-based money (you may be surprised!) and what to do to buffer yourself against them when they show up in your life. Why certain criticism can be very painful, and what to do with it so you can continue moving forward. What to do when you encounter mean people—and it may be the opposite of what you're thinking you should do—to move past any negative emotions that come up. And more. If you’re interested in learning more about making love-based mindset shifts to continuously move forward in you

  • Episode #20 - Kendall SummerHawk on Love-Based Money with Michele PW

    09/03/2017 Duration: 24min

    The practical—and fun—sides of money attraction. In this episode, Michele interviews Kendall SummerHawk, the Leader in Certified Coach Training for Women Entrepreneurs. She’s featured in the “Practical Money-Attraction Tips” chapter and "Love-Based Copywriting Tips" and "Your Most Important Asset as an Entrepreneur" sections of the Love-Based Money and Mindset book, and on the podcast, she shares practical tips for increasing abundance in your business. In this episode, you learn: The power of your emotions when it comes to attracting more of what you want. How to deal with belief systems that hold you back from making more money, so you can break free and earn more. Why knowing yourself is critical if you want to change the way you attract money in your life and business, and how to get to know yourself better. And more. Kendall SummerHawk is the leader in Certified Coach Training for Women Entrepreneurs, and she is committed to helping women entrepreneurs make fabulous money and be amazingly successful in

  • Episode #19 - Christine Arylo on Love-Based Money with Michele PW

    02/03/2017 Duration: 32min

    Self-love as the path to abundance. In this episode, Michele interviews Christine Arylo, Spiritual Catalyst, Feminine Leadership Advisor and co-founder of the International Day of Self-Love and the Inner Mean Girl (or Dude) Reform School. She’s featured in the “Where It All Began" and "What About All Those Voices in Your Head?" chapters of the Love-Based Money and Mindset book, and on the podcast, she talks about how creating a spiritual practice leads to true success—where you feel peace, happiness, and harmony, no matter what. When you do, you can create from your fullest self. In this episode, you learn: A great disservice you may be doing as an entrepreneur—especially if you're teaching business, and what to do, instead. Which part of yourself you must feed first, before you go out into the world to give and serve. A powerful, three-part exercise you can do every day before you get out of bed, to help yourself avoid overwhelm and burnout. And more. Christine Arylo is a bestselling author whose mission i

  • Episode #18 – Pamela Bruner on Love-Based Money with Michele PW

    25/02/2017 Duration: 24min

    The practical and spiritual sides of transformation. In this episode, Michele interviews Pamela Bruner, Business Coach, Author, and EFT Expert. She’s featured in the “Why Doesn't It Work for Me?" and "Breaking the Cycle of Fear" chapters of the Love-Based Money and Mindset book, and on the podcast, she talks about personal growth as a path to business growth. In this episode, you learn: One thing you must do if you want to run a successful business. What you must have if you intend to sell your services online (without it, you risk wasting resources). A strategic tip, and an emotional tip, for shifting out of desperation energy and getting your head around making more money. A new approach to sales conversations, which will help you transform the way you feel about them – and ensure your potential clients walk away appreciating you, whether they end up working with you or not. And more. Pamela Bruner's mission through her Success Coaching is to help spiritual / conscious entrepreneurs enjoy huge success wit

  • Episode #17 - Kendra E. Thornbury on Love-Based Money with Michele PW

    23/02/2017 Duration: 22min

    Stand in your power around money. In this episode, Michele interviews Kendra E. Thornbury, spiritual entrepreneur and wealth coach. She’s featured in the “Breaking the Cycle of Fear” and "Old Versus New Money Beliefs" chapters of the Love-Based Money and Mindset book, and on the podcast, she talks about how to approach business from a spiritual vantage point, and why it's actually important to generate a big income if you want to have a greater influence. In this episode, you learn: Why being a broke change agent does nothing for you OR for the people you're here to help – and how to shift your beliefs around making money as a spiritual entrepreneur, so you can make an impact and enjoy freedom. How to reinvent your relationship with money. Two tips you can use NOW to begin shifting from fear to love when it comes to money. And more. Kendra E. Thornbury is a wealth coach who is committed to helping people claim freedom and wealth on their own terms. When you order your copy of Michele PW's newest book, "Lov

  • Episode #16 - Amy Ahlers on Love-Based Money with Michele PW

    18/02/2017 Duration: 26min

    Allowing your inner wisdom to be your guiding force. In this episode, Michele interviews Amy Ahlers, life coach and co-founder of the Inner Mean Girl Reform School and The Mama Truth Circle. She’s featured in the “What About All Those Voices in Your Head?” chapter of the Love-Based Money and Mindset book, and on the podcast, she talks about how to get your Inner Mean Girl (or Inner Mean Guy)—the voice that sabotages you—out of the driver's seat of your life. In this episode, you learn: A simple, yet powerful exercise for sending that mean inner voice away so you can unleash your creative forces without second-guessing yourself. A surprising way to look at your Inner Mean Girl (or Guy), and why doing so can help you forgive her and allow her to release her grip on you. Why resisting your Inner Mean Girl (or Guy) is useless, and what to do, instead, so you can find common ground. Three steps to resolving fear-based emotions so you can hear your inner wisdom. And more. Amy Ahlers is a life coach who is passion

  • Episode #15 – Kate Beeders on Love-Based Money with Michele PW

    16/02/2017 Duration: 23min

    How to shake fear-based emotions once and for all, and create a mindset ripe for receiving. In this episode, Michele interviews Kate Beeders, Mindset, Money, and Marketing Expert. She’s featured in the “What to Do When You're Doing It All and It's Still Not Working” section of the Love-Based Money and Mindset book, and on the podcast, she talks about how the right mindset, or inner game, leads to tangible, real-life results. In this episode, you learn: The first step to living a life that really makes you happy. A real-life example of the power of the subconscious mind, and what this has to do with your ability to manifest what you want. Where all your creativity resides, and how to access it. One critically important element of attracting what you want—and where many people go wrong when they believe they've already done it. And more. Kate Beeders is a coach who is passionate about helping people step into their brilliance and go from stuck to successful with her focus on results. When you order your copy

  • Episode #14 - Jeffery Van Dyk on Love-Based Money with Michele PW

    11/02/2017 Duration: 22min

    The Core Wound as the foundational training program for your life's greatest contribution. In this episode, Michele interviews Jeffrey Van Dyk, mentor, speaker, and creator of the Tribal Marketing Training. He’s featured in the “Why Doesn't It Work for Me” section of the Love-Based Money and Mindset book, and on the podcast, he talks about why there are so many healing modalities out there, and why none of them work—or at least, in the same way—for everyone. He also explains how the core wound can keep you from attracting the abundance you crave. In this episode, you learn: Why certain healing modalities seem to work better for some people than they do for others, and what to do if you're struggling to find one that works for you. Exactly where your place in the marketplace is – hint: it's where two elements of your business intersect. The pattern that often emerges when it comes to your core wound, and how to identify it—and stop it—so you can begin healing and getting what you really want. And more. Jeffr

  • Episode #13 - Anastasia Netri on Love-Based Money with Michele PW

    09/02/2017 Duration: 22min

    Going deeper to step up and step out in a powerful way. In this episode, Michele interviews Anastasia Netri, Transformational Coach for Awakening Women. She’s featured in the “Change Your Beliefs, Change Your Life” and "Manifesting 101" sections of the Love-Based Money and Mindset book, and on the podcast, she talks about how deepening your consciousness can serve as a powerful foundation for identifying and taking action on the next steps toward living in the way you truly want to. In this episode, you learn: The truth about awakening, why it's such an important part of your journey toward abundance, and why it's critical to stay the course, even when awakening is painful. What to make your top priority – no matter what else is going on in your life. An exercise that has the potential to transform your relationship with money. And more. Anastasia Netri, Transformational Coach for Awakening Women, is passionate about guiding her clients to experience awakening that leads to the inner peace and confidence ne

  • Episode #12 – Ali Shanti on Love-Based Money with Michele PW

    04/02/2017 Duration: 31min

    Living the Money Map. In this episode, Michele interviews Ali Shanti, also known as Alexis Neely, Founder of Eyes Wide Open Life and author of the upcoming book, "Enough! The Money Wake-Up Call to Reclaim Your Time, Energy and Attention in Service to a Life Worth Living." She’s featured in the “Practical Money-Attraction Tips” section of the Love-Based Money and Mindset book, and on the podcast, she talks about getting to know yourself truly and deeply, so you can come into the right relationship with time, money, and how you get paid. In this episode, you learn: One mentality you must let go of if you ever want to feel fulfilled and satisfied. A powerful exercise for getting to the heart of what you really want, so you can more easily make decisions about what to do, and when. A new take on the idea that "money loves speed," so you can stop putting so much pressure on yourself. And more. Ali Shanti/Alexis Neely is a business priestess, coach, and teacher who is passionate about helping people gain clarity

  • Episode #11 – Mellissa Seaman on Love-Based Money with Michele PW

    02/02/2017 Duration: 26min

    Pairing Intellect and Intuition. In this episode, Michele interviews Mellissa Seaman, Stanford-educated former attorney turned Intuitive Business Strategist. She’s featured in the “Old Versus New Money Beliefs” section of the Love-Based Money and Mindset book, and on the podcast, she talks about learning to listen to your intuition while taking real action in the real world, to get real results. In Episode 11, you learn: The one thing that must happen before the Universe aligns to help you reach your goals (and a special tool for making it happen!). Why there are times when you follow your intuition and things don't go exactly as you expect them to, and how to know when to follow your intuition and whether it's a good idea to blow it off. How to begin hearing your intuition even if you're a strategic, analytical thinker. And more. Mellissa Seaman is an Intuitive Business Strategist who invites her clients to come to peace with money being the global measure of value, and to shift their mindset around it – t

  • Episode #10 – Suzy Prudden on Love-Based Money with Michele PW

    28/01/2017 Duration: 25min

    Dancing with Money. In this episode, Michele interviews Suzy Prudden, whose own journey from "rich and famous" (Oprah-appearance famous!) to broke and homeless, to Acclaimed Speaker and Bestselling Author inspired Michele. She specializes in helping people transform their relationship with money, and in the Love-Based Money and Mindset book, she’s featured in the “Old Versus New Money Beliefs” section and in the “Affirmations, Manifestations, and What to Do When You're Doing It All and It's Still Not Working” section. Today, Suzy speaks about how to get “unstuck” when it comes to money. In Episode 10, you learn: Why your relationship with money is like a dance – and if you don't know the right steps, you'll crash and burn over and over again. A fresh perspective on money, and how this perspective can shift your entire relationship with money (and your financial results). Where so many people get stuck when it comes to making money, and how to stop the sabotage. How you should look at money – this is key! And

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