Love-based Money

Episode #19 - Christine Arylo on Love-Based Money with Michele PW



Self-love as the path to abundance. In this episode, Michele interviews Christine Arylo, Spiritual Catalyst, Feminine Leadership Advisor and co-founder of the International Day of Self-Love and the Inner Mean Girl (or Dude) Reform School. She’s featured in the “Where It All Began" and "What About All Those Voices in Your Head?" chapters of the Love-Based Money and Mindset book, and on the podcast, she talks about how creating a spiritual practice leads to true success—where you feel peace, happiness, and harmony, no matter what. When you do, you can create from your fullest self. In this episode, you learn: A great disservice you may be doing as an entrepreneur—especially if you're teaching business, and what to do, instead. Which part of yourself you must feed first, before you go out into the world to give and serve. A powerful, three-part exercise you can do every day before you get out of bed, to help yourself avoid overwhelm and burnout. And more. Christine Arylo is a bestselling author whose mission i