Love-based Money

Episode #11 – Mellissa Seaman on Love-Based Money with Michele PW



Pairing Intellect and Intuition. In this episode, Michele interviews Mellissa Seaman, Stanford-educated former attorney turned Intuitive Business Strategist. She’s featured in the “Old Versus New Money Beliefs” section of the Love-Based Money and Mindset book, and on the podcast, she talks about learning to listen to your intuition while taking real action in the real world, to get real results. In Episode 11, you learn: The one thing that must happen before the Universe aligns to help you reach your goals (and a special tool for making it happen!). Why there are times when you follow your intuition and things don't go exactly as you expect them to, and how to know when to follow your intuition and whether it's a good idea to blow it off. How to begin hearing your intuition even if you're a strategic, analytical thinker. And more. Mellissa Seaman is an Intuitive Business Strategist who invites her clients to come to peace with money being the global measure of value, and to shift their mindset around it – t