Love-based Money

Episode #16 - Amy Ahlers on Love-Based Money with Michele PW



Allowing your inner wisdom to be your guiding force. In this episode, Michele interviews Amy Ahlers, life coach and co-founder of the Inner Mean Girl Reform School and The Mama Truth Circle. She’s featured in the “What About All Those Voices in Your Head?” chapter of the Love-Based Money and Mindset book, and on the podcast, she talks about how to get your Inner Mean Girl (or Inner Mean Guy)—the voice that sabotages you—out of the driver's seat of your life. In this episode, you learn: A simple, yet powerful exercise for sending that mean inner voice away so you can unleash your creative forces without second-guessing yourself. A surprising way to look at your Inner Mean Girl (or Guy), and why doing so can help you forgive her and allow her to release her grip on you. Why resisting your Inner Mean Girl (or Guy) is useless, and what to do, instead, so you can find common ground. Three steps to resolving fear-based emotions so you can hear your inner wisdom. And more. Amy Ahlers is a life coach who is passion