Love-based Money

Episode #26 - Alicia Forest on Love-Based Money with Michele PW



Setting Boundaries to Create a Priority-Based Business. In this episode, Michele interviews Alicia Forest, Intuitive Business Strategist and Lifestyle Designer. On the podcast, she shares practical tips for setting boundaries so heart-centered, conscious, and spiritual entrepreneurs can leverage their work, and enjoy more time off. In this episode, you learn: A practical strategy for implementing your decision to go from whatever you're doing now to living your dream entrepreneurial life (this is actionable, and proven!). How to prioritize effectively, so you're where you want to be, when you want to be there—while still getting all of your work done, earning money, and avoiding overwhelm. Alicia's single most powerful tip for restructuring your time, if you're ready to shift from one lifestyle, job or venture, to another. A quick, simple decision-making tool to use when deciding whether to incorporate a certain task into your day or into your business. And more. Alicia advocates for letting go of the stran