Love-based Money

Episode #23 - Samantha Bennett on Love-Based Money with Michele PW



How to stop fear from standing in the way of your creative pursuits, in just 15 minutes per day. In this episode, Michele interviews Samantha Bennett, founder of The Organized Artist Company and co-author of "Get It Done: From Procrastination to Creative Genius in Just 15 Minutes a Day." On the podcast, she shares practical tips for overcoming the fear that stands in the way of your creative pursuits. In this episode, you learn how to:  Beat procrastination and perfectionism, for good, in one fell swoop. Finally get your work out there so you can get paid for it (and you will!). Move past the feelings of "I'm not ready," so you can grasp the opportunities that present themselves. "Promote" fear-based feelings into love- or hope-based feelings - so you can stop fear from stopping YOU. "Bribe" yourself correctly, so you take action and feel rewarded (there's only one method that works, according to Samantha). And more. Michele shares how she has used Samantha's techniques herself to write two non-fiction book