Love-based Money

Episode #20 - Kendall SummerHawk on Love-Based Money with Michele PW



The practical—and fun—sides of money attraction. In this episode, Michele interviews Kendall SummerHawk, the Leader in Certified Coach Training for Women Entrepreneurs. She’s featured in the “Practical Money-Attraction Tips” chapter and "Love-Based Copywriting Tips" and "Your Most Important Asset as an Entrepreneur" sections of the Love-Based Money and Mindset book, and on the podcast, she shares practical tips for increasing abundance in your business. In this episode, you learn: The power of your emotions when it comes to attracting more of what you want. How to deal with belief systems that hold you back from making more money, so you can break free and earn more. Why knowing yourself is critical if you want to change the way you attract money in your life and business, and how to get to know yourself better. And more. Kendall SummerHawk is the leader in Certified Coach Training for Women Entrepreneurs, and she is committed to helping women entrepreneurs make fabulous money and be amazingly successful in