Love-based Money

Episode #29 - Laura West on Love-Based Money with Michele PW



Bringing Creativity—and Profit—Into Business. In this episode, Michele interviews Laura West, marketing coach and strategist, and founder of the Center for Joyful Business. On the podcast, she shares advice for growing your business using the alchemy of creative power. In this episode, you learn: Several different places in your life where your creativity shows up—places you might not even realize you're being creative—and why it's critical to recognize them. How your creativity is tied to your money, and how that's reflected back at you in your experiences. The one thing you must do if you want to succeed, financially. Why it's difficult to see the patterns from your own life that ultimately show you the way to your creative power, and an idea for getting a different perspective. Why it's so important to bring both the masculine and the feminine energy to your business, especially as it relates to creativity. And more. Laura says that when you can find your strength and stand in your creative power, you ca