Love-based Money



Is money a struggle for you? If it is, you're not alone. Money issues affect us all, regardless of how much or how little we're making. But, what if it doesn't have to be? What if you could instead attract all the abundance you want without fear or worry or anxiety. It's completely possible and the Love-Based Money podcast is here to help. Based on the "Love-Based Money and Mindset" book by bestselling author Michele PW (Pariza Wacek), this podcast explores all aspects of making money -- from the practical business and marketing strategies to tips on shifting your mindset and raising your vibration to attract all the prosperity you desire. You'll be able to listen in to inspiring stories from successful entrepreneurs, authors and more, share how they overcame their own money challenges to now enjoying peaceful prosperity. You can learn more about the love-based philosophy on the


  • Episode 50 – Special Edition: Is Podcasting the Right Love-Based Marketing Strategy for You?

    13/10/2017 Duration: 14min

    Michele flies solo in this episode where she shares some of the top lessons she learned at the New Media Summit, an event in San Diego that covered all things podcasting. But, first, why is she talking about podcasting on Love-Based Money? Well, because podcasting is a marketing tactic, which means it pushes all kinds of buttons, including a fear of visibility, fear of success, fear of failure, etc. And, all of those fears are closely tied to our money stories. If we have a fear around success or being visible, that’s going to hamper our ability to make money, and if we struggle with making money, that will likely continue to feed our fear-based money stories. The more we can face and move through ALL our fears, the easier it will be to transform our relationship with money. So, why podcasting? Podcasting is actually super hot right now and still growing. It may very well be the marketing tactic of the future (and unlike videos and livestreams, doesn’t require any showers or makeup). BUT it has to be the righ

  • Episode 49 – Debra Simpson on Love-Based Money with Michele PW

    12/10/2017 Duration: 27min

    Change Your Money Story Through Creating a Community. In this episode, Michele interviews Debra Simpson, Executive Director of Speakers Guild USA and creator of the podcast “Speaking with Influence.” Debra works with public speakers to perfect their craft and boost their presence in the online world. In this episode, Debra shares her story of growing up near poverty level with parents who thought money was the root of all evil. Her money story and the mindset shift she went through helped her realize the impact she has on the world. In this episode, you learn: How to build a community around your brand (and the power that has in regard to your online presence and speaking opportunities). Exactly how (and why) creating a community with your business results in win-win situations for yourself and your clients. How to resolve your money mindset issues and thrive in spite of them. How to get your voice heard, both on and off the stage. And so much more. Debra’s money-mindset journey epitomizes how our view of m

  • Episode 47 – Dr. Venus Opal Reese on Love-Based Money with Michele PW

    28/09/2017 Duration: 27min

    Re-Write Your Broken Money Story to Take Your Life to the Next (Million-Dollar!) Level. In this episode, Michele interviews Dr. Venus Opal Reese, Founder of the Black Women Millionaires Movement and CEO of Defy Impossible, Inc. Dr. Venus shares her personal story of how childhood poverty and her life on the streets could have easily turned into a lifetime of heartache and failure … but instead, she defied the impossible herself, and utilized her story to turn it all around. In this episode, you learn: How healing your heart is one of the first steps toward turning your mess into a million-dollar message (and the subsequent steps, too). How to shift your mind from settling to letting absolutely nothing stand in the way of achieving everything you desire. How to rise up from any of life’s fires that you’ve experienced, and succeed because (and in spite of) them. Exact steps to take in order to follow your path toward success. And so much more. Dr. Venus’ story is highly-inspirational. From life on the streets

  • Episode 46 – Nicole Holland on Love-Based Money with Michele PW

    21/09/2017 Duration: 35min

    The Importance of Keeping Promises to Yourself (And the Trickle Affect That Occurs When You Don’t). In this episode, Michele interviews Nicole Holland, host of the highly-acclaimed podcast, “The Business Building Rockstars Show.” Nicole shares her extremely personal journey of going through extraordinary lengths to keep promises to herself—and inspires others to do the same. In this episode, you learn: How putting yourself out there in the world—as uncomfortable as it may seem—is essential, and how to get over that fear. When and how to make permanent change in your life (even if it means losing everything you have in order to rebuild, bigger and better). What to do when you feel lost, without a plan (and how to create one that will exceed your expectations!). The tough questions to ask when you reach a turning point that could change your life’s trajectory. How to overcome mindset blocks that keep you from reaching the next level of success. And so much more. Nicole shares the story of how her life circums

  • Episode 45 – Jerome Braggs on Love-Based Money with Michele PW

    14/09/2017 Duration: 32min

    From Death’s Door (Twice!) to Thriving Entrepreneur. Jerome Braggs, affectionately known as the “Soul Medicine Man,” is a medical intuitive channel, speaker, and spiritual teacher. Jerome shares his story about how he almost died from HIV (not once, but twice!) and took himself on a self-discovery journey to heal not just his body, but also his soul. In this episode, you’ll also learn: * Why the Law of Attraction alone isn’t enough to completely shift your reality. * How one tiny shift was all it took to heal himself from HIV (yes, really). * A simple, daily practice to help you shift your beliefs and attract more abundance. * And so much more. One of the most powerful parts of Jerome’s story is how the practices he used to transform his health also transformed every other part of his life, including his finances and his relationships. (“How you do one thing is how you do everything” really is true.) Whatever you’re currently struggling with right now, Jerome shares simple wisdom that can help you begin shift

  • Episode 44 – Jim Niswonger on Love-Based Money with Michele PW

    31/08/2017 Duration: 33min

    How to Love Your Clients So They Love You (and Your Products) Back! In this episode, Michele interviews Jim Niswonger, Director of Badassery, highly-successful coach to coaches, and creator of Enlightened Profits. He shares his philosophical method for love-based marketing, and dishes on how his approach changed everything for his business (and his clients!). This fundamental change in marketing—connecting with clients on a deeper level and helping them recognize why your product or service is what they need—is simple and effective. In this episode, you learn: Why focusing on getting a prospect to say “yes” to your offer is ineffective, and what to do instead to inspire him to buy. The three “permissions” potential clients are trying to give themselves before making a purchase (so you can help them get there). The benefits (plus the how’s and why’s) to making your clients believe that you truly care about their needs. Why giving clients what they want to hear (rather than what they need to hear) will make th

  • Love-Based Money with Michele PW: 3 Lessons I Learned from my Love-Based Money Podcast

    24/08/2017 Duration: 17min

    The Podcast-Hosting Experience: Lessons Learned. In this episode, Michele PW shares three specific lessons she has learned through hosting her Love-Based Money podcast (and being a guest on podcasts in general). She also explains the inspiration behind starting the Love-Based Business Podcast, and how her intention to shift the minds of her clients from a fear to love-based approach to business became so much more. Finally, she dishes about the fear-based emotions she experienced herself when she started her own business, her definition of “making it,” and tips for running your business peacefully and profitably. In this episode, you’ll learn: How to keep going when your business isn’t bringing in much money (and how to turn things around). How to look money-related fears right in the face, and overcome them. Three ways to build a business on a love-based foundation. And so much more. Michele, founder of the Love-Based Movement and best-selling author of the Love-Based Business series offers tips, philosoph

  • Episode 42 – Lisa Manyon on Love-Based Money with Michele PW

    17/08/2017 Duration: 29min

    How to Move Away from Traditional Marketing (and Why You Should, If You Want to Experience a Financial Breakthrough). In this episode, Michele interviews Lisa Manyon, “The Business Marketing Architect” and owner of Write On – Creative Writing, Services, LLC. Lisa shares how using “traditional marketing” in her business for many years—and teaching her clients to use the same marketing tools—was keeping her stuck financially, and how one simple shift changed everything. In this episode, you learn: Why “traditional marketing” is no longer effective, and about marketing strategies that actually work. A three-step formula for effective marketing that builds solid relationships with clients. The difference between “passion points” and “pain points,” and why one drives clients away while the other attracts them. Exactly what you need to do to shift your business toward a more peaceful, sustainable model. And so much more. Lisa shares how operating the marketing side of her business in the traditional sense of the

  • Episode 41 – Allyson Byrd on Love-Based Money with Michele PW

    10/08/2017 Duration: 40min

    Living the Highest Version of Yourself. In this episode, Michele interviews Allyson Byrd, the “Profit Accelerator.” Allyson shares her personal story about rising above the difficult hand she was dealt as a child and becoming a hugely-successful business coach. She has learned how to live with her highest, greatest self always at the forefront, and that journey began when she asked herself one simple question that she shares in the interview. She also dishes on how to exist in a space where you’re truly content with yourself, living your truth. In this episode, you’ll learn: The importance of joining the 5% of people who ask difficult, uncomfortable questions in life (and where those questions can lead you!). What lies you could be telling yourself that keep you stuck (and how to find your truth). Tips for becoming the very best version of yourself. And so much more. By sharing her personal journey, Allyson explains how negative beliefs about herself affected her as young adult. She sheds light on how to ov

  • Episode 40 – Barb Wade on Love-Based Money with Michele PW

    27/07/2017 Duration: 37min

    How to Recognize When What You’re Doing in Life Is Really What You Want (and How to Change It If It’s Not!). In this episode, Michele interviews Barb Wade, life coach, speaker, and author. Barb shares her advice about the right place to look for confidence and true happiness (and they might not be where you think they are). She says there’s a difference between the traditional, money-based version of “success” and the true version, where fulfillment and financial success intersect. On the podcast, Barb dishes on how to envision the life you want and how to get it (and ditch everything that’s just not working for you!). In this episode, you learn: What to do when you’ve accomplished everything you’ve ever wanted to accomplish in your business, and you realize this is no longer what you want. How to stay motivated during times of business when you’re stuck with the not-so-fun (but necessary!) tasks. Specific actions to take to get your business where it needs to be, financially (without losing your passion for

  • Episode 39 – Tina Forsyth on Love-Based Money with Michele PW

    20/07/2017 Duration: 36min

    How to Recognize When Enough Is Enough (And Find Your True Calling in Life). In this episode, Michele interviews Tina Forsyth, author and creator of the CEO Business School for Transformational Leaders. Tina shares her philosophy about being successful (financially) in your business, versus being truly happy in your business. There is a stark difference, and on the podcast, she dishes on “the dark night of the business soul”—and what to do if you’re stuck trying to figure out what to do next. In this episode, you learn: What to do when you’ve accomplished everything you’ve ever wanted to accomplish in your business, and find yourself asking, “Now what”? The one thing that people don’t talk about (but should!) that could determine the fate of their business. How to know when expanding your business is the right thing to do, or if it’s time to move in a different direction. What to do when you feel like your business is sucking the life out of you, and how to begin finding your true calling. And so much more.

  • Episode 38 – Lindsay Miller on Love-Based Money with Michele PW

    13/07/2017 Duration: 33min

    How to Stop Hiding Behind Your Fears, and Start Letting Yourself Shine. In this episode, Michele interviews photographer Lindsay Miller, who shares her journey from corporate America to owning and running her own successful business. On the podcast, she talks about the burnout she felt from working 60 hours a week, her turning point, and the lowest lows she experienced when starting her own photography business. She also shares how she found a happy medium that paid off both financially and spiritually. In this episode, you learn: How to find your calling in business, and enjoy the journey toward living it. Tips for changing your perspective, so you can get moving in the right direction, faster. One absolute key to running a successful business. The key to becoming magnetically attractive to prospects and clients. Mistakes to avoid, as a new business owner, so you shorten your learning curve. What to do for your business, when you feel like you’re out of solutions. How to see the bright side, when things fee

  • Episode 37 – Adam Urbanski on Love-Based Money with Michele PW

    06/07/2017 Duration: 34min

    Creating a Specific, Result-Driven Plan to Get Your Business Exactly Where You Want It to Be. In this episode, Michele interviews Adam Urbanski, the Millionaire Marketing Mentor and founder of The Marketing Mentors, a coaching business that guarantees quick results. On the podcast, he shares advice for generating successful sales, and staying motivated in business and in life. In this episode, you learn: The thought-changing perspective that brought Adam from rags to riches—and how this perspective can change yours for the better. How to remain resilient through the toughest of business times. What the “Results Revolution” is, and what it means for your business and success. How to avoid becoming part of the 95% of people who want to make changes, but don’t. Specific instruction on how to create an action plan in order to set and achieve goals. The secret to revving up your results, quickly. And more! Adam also talks about what happened when he faced his greatest fear—and how that led him to conquer his fea

  • Episode 36 – Calvin Correli on Love-Based Money with Michele PW

    29/06/2017 Duration: 31min

    Creating a Single, Money-Making Platform to Bring Together ALL Your Creative Interests. In this episode, Michele interviews Calvin Correli, founder of Simplero, an online platform where you can get all the tools you need for an information business. On the podcast, he shares advice for waking up to who you really are, so you can incorporate all the best parts of yourself into what you do, every day. In this episode, you learn: Advice for what to do when one element of your life feels like a constant, uphill battle. The different ways in which creativity can show up—even if some of your passions or gifts don’t appear “creative” right now. How “going with the flow” can open up avenues for you to pursue the things you love—in ways you may not be able to imagine. The realization that transformed life for Calvin—and how it could transform your life, too, as you pursue a way to make money with your passion. How to uncover what you’re subconsciously scared of, so you can figure out what’s stopping you from waking u

  • Episode #35 – Luci McMonagle on Love-Based Money with Michele PW

    22/06/2017 Duration: 31min

    Getting Physically Grounded in Money to Attract More of It into Your Life. In this episode, Michele interviews Luci McMonagle, Abundance Breakthrough Coach. On the podcast, she shares advice for getting physically grounded with money, in order to attract more of it into your life. In this episode, you learn: The one place you must put your focus even when you’re working hard to create wealth and abundance, or you risk losing everything. What money is a reflection of, and how to make the internal changes necessary to begin experiencing greater levels of wealth and abundance. The lie we tell ourselves about money and wealth, and how to recreate the belief that holds you back from having it all. A new approach to thinking about your relationship with money, and the way it can shift your relationship with money for the better. A money exercise, or ritual, you can do at home in just minute each day to increase the amount of money in your life. Why staying physically grounded when it comes to money helps you incre

  • Episode #34 – Julie Ann Turner on Love-Based Money with Michele PW

    15/06/2017 Duration: 29min

    Share—and Get Paid Well for—Your Gifts. In this episode, Michele interviews Julie Ann Turner, world authority on the master creative process, author of The Genesis of Genius, and founder and host of the radio show, Conscious Shift. On the podcast, she shares advice for bringing your genius into your work, making a contribution with it, and receiving value in exchange for giving the greatest value you have to give. In this episode, you learn: Where many people seek value or validation … and the truth about where that really comes from (or should come from!). One idea that often holds entrepreneurs back from sharing their gifts, and a tip for moving past it, so you can finally begin receiving as you give. The kind of value people are really looking for (and the kind of value they’re not looking for), so you can provide it—and attract the followers and clients you need to grow your business. A three-part mindset shift to determine the value you provide. Two concrete steps to owning your value so you can charge

  • Episode #33 – Raven Blair Glover on Love-Based Money with Michele PW

    08/06/2017 Duration: 27min

    When Non-Money Issues Manifest as Money Issues. In this episode, Michele interviews Raven Blair Glover, the Talk Show Maven and recipient of the Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award. On the podcast, she shares advice for determining whether what you believe are money issues are actually other fears, limiting beliefs, or challenges. She says that when they are, and you resolve those fears, limiting beliefs or challenges, your money issues resolve themselves. In this episode, you learn: A mindset shift that will help you grow your audience, naturally. One lesson Raven learned long ago, that can guide you in making great decisions, quickly. Why so many entrepreneurs place their focus on the wrong thing—and where your focus must be if you want to grow your business. A critical piece of clarity you need to move forward and reach your biggest goals—financially and otherwise. The single most important investment an entrepreneur can make as he or she builds a business. The one idea that differentiates a hobby fro

  • Episode #32 – Kamila Gornia on Love-Based Money with Michele PW

    01/06/2017 Duration: 31min

    Being Visible: Coming out of Hiding and Allowing Yourself to Be Seen. In this episode, Michele interviews Kamila Gornia, the Blow Up, Scale Up Marketing Strategist and Coach. On the podcast, she shares advice for getting past a fear of being seen—so you can stand in your power as a thought leader, an expert, and an authority. In this episode, you learn: How to uncover the messaging you’ve received during childhood—the messaging that formed your belief systems—and how to create new belief systems that support your entrepreneurial and artistic dreams. What led to Kamila’s own breakthrough around her fear of being seen (being visible), and what you can take away from her story to experience your own breakthrough. The truth about the importance of money, and how to shift your beliefs around this truth so you can enjoy abundance AND the people in your life, too. How to get past the myth that you have to do everything on your own, and the myriad benefits of doing so. The one place where you can be sure nothing gre

  • Episode #31 -Alexandra Harbushka on Love-Based Money with Michele PW

    25/05/2017 Duration: 32min

    Healing Your Relationship with Sex, Food, and Money. In this episode, Michele interviews Alexandra Harbushka, creator of the podcast Real World Woman … Sex, Money & Food. On the podcast, she shares advice for making the choice to have great sex, food, and money in your life, so you can create more abundance in every area. In this episode, you learn: The importance of balancing and embracing both feminine and masculine energy, so you can have more of the important things in life. How gaining an awareness of your fear-based emotions is the first step to transforming your life. What money can do, and what it doesn’t do, and why it’s key to know the difference. How to stay out of financial reactive mode as an entrepreneur—and why it’s important to do this in terms of the vibes clients pick up from you. The four money personalities, how each one manifests in a person’s life, and how to determine which is yours. And more. Alexandra talks about what sex, money, and food boil down to: self-love … and how to cre

  • Episode #30 - Joanna Lindenbaum on Love-Based Money with Michele PW

    18/05/2017 Duration: 27min

    Download this Episode Creating Outstanding Client Results to Generate Abundance. In this episode, Michele interviews Joanna Lindenbaum, transformational coach and facilitator. On the podcast, she shares advice for coaches and healers who want to grow their businesses—and it's unusual advice, in the transformational industry of today. In this episode, you learn: The inner and outer shifts Joanna made to start and maintain the flow of abundance in her life – in terms of finances, time, and self-care. The surprising place to look if you're not earning what you want to earn—and why this may go against what you've heard, recently, about increasing your income. Where the transformational industry has gone awry, and what you can do to stay on track to ensure your clients get results and that you experience success. The amazing thing that happens when your clients get amazing results, and where to place your focus to generate this incredible experience. Why it's not enough to have a great business model, marketing p

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