Driving For Your Success With Sheevaun Moran



This isnt your average mindset podcast and shes not your average host. This is Driving for Your Success with Sheevaun Moran. She will help you clear your mind, get rid of roadblocks and achieve ease and success on an open highway to your destination. Anything is possible when you have the mindset to get of your own way!Sheevaun is a business coach, energetic solutions thought leaderhaving struggled herself with more than her fair share of disappointments and even near death experiences, Sheevaun understands the value more than evern of clarity and simplicity. Sit back and let Sheevaun clear that misty, chaotic road while she helps you put the pedal to the metal and drive for your success.


  • EP 312: Breaking Through the Old Routine

    27/04/2023 Duration: 03min

    Hey everyone Sheevaun Moran here and I want to read you a quote, "it's a hard thing to leave any deeply rooted routine in life even if you hate it" That's John Steinbeck and what I hear from people who want to make a giant labor transformation again and again and again is they're so accustomed to their routine that they just leave the new opportunities of the good routine out they forget. Heck everyone gets a skate, gets a blip, gets a new idea and forgets but if you really want the transformation you're going to have to do something that institutes that routine. Not accountability, accountability means you Advocate to somebody else to hold you accountable. you're a beautiful amazing Soul who wants to have more success or achieve more or deliver more serve more and that routine that you need to make new needs to start with a new idea and be held for quite a long time. So when I started out being vegetarian I held that as a truth because I knew that my health was more important. So I was incredibly motivated s

  • EP 311: The Super Power of an Introverted Entrepreneur

    20/04/2023 Duration: 03min

    Sheevaun Moran here and if you've watched any of my videos before you know that I'm not the most extroverted person on the planet and I was on a podcast today and the guy was so extroverted he was so all over the place and so in my face and I was just marveling at the fact that he was so extroverted and that what could happen was it was no big deal for him and I thought oh my gosh good thing this is only 20 minutes. So I want to invite the introverts (and extroverts you can go take hike for a second) um but I want to invite the introverts to understand something beautiful about what you do as an entrepreneur as a business owner is you have a superpower that you don't know that you have because of your introversion you have a superpower of actually finding your purpose and staying on purpose dot dot dot so long as you deal with the Mind crap okay the chaos in the mind. That's the easy part after you really tap into your purpose and your passion because as an introvert you can go further and deeper rather than

  • EP 310: Marketing & Your Essence

    13/04/2023 Duration: 04min

    Hey, Sheevaun Moran here and at my last Epic Life Success Summit I got into a deep long segment on inner marketing and branding. One of the reasons I did that is because we had this branding expert as a speaker on our stage and it's always amazing when she comes the thing about your brand is it's not just color, it's not just what you like, you do have to kind of like it, it's not just tone and texture and fog it's not all of those things. Your brand has energy and your energy has to be clearly communicated in your brand so what does that mean? That means that if there's a color in there that's a little wonky that isn't quite you but it's getting results to leave it, that's a lot of where how businesses actually mess up their business because they start changing things based upon what people like rather than what is going to get a response in the marketplace. The marketplace is not you, you are not the customer, you've created the product and you're not the customer so is your brand Essence shining through th

  • EP 309: Say What You Need to Say

    06/04/2023 Duration: 03min

    Sheevaun Moran here and I'm driving for your success. My very short topic for you today is Say What You Need to Say and learn how to say what you need to say in a better way. What does that mean? That means most people have a lot of things locked inside of themselves that they're not putting out there and saying they have comments they have ideas and with all of the the cancel culture, oftentimes people are afraid to say what they need to say what's in their heart to say. Listen we've been told in school to be quiet to shut up to sit down to not speak our mind, to not share. You want to say what you need to say today more than ever with chat gbt and all that we have the ability to actually define what we want to say with the help of a whole bunch of millions of other people who put this together so so maybe start saying what you need to say whether it's in social media or in a comment or do some videos maybe they're just for you because you need to say it, but there are things that need to be said that won't

  • EP 308: The Weight of Money

    30/03/2023 Duration: 02min

    Okay, Sheevaun Moran here and I'm driving for your success. There's something I heard the other day that kind of got me thinking about how much people really want to achieve many more dollars many more millions of dollars and the thing that I heard that you want to pay attention to is a million dollars only weighs 50 pounds. That's it. That's not a lot. We make it seem like it's this giant skyscraper of a thing that we can't go and get and Achieve and Thrive from. If we make something that we're looking toward to get to achieve so big and ominous and difficult then we're unable to achieve it and get there sooner. So a million dollars is only 50 pounds that's pretty light compared to what we believe it weighs in our mind and if you look at over the next couple years they're going to be upwards of 200 000 new millionaires so will you be one of them? When you start thinking about money and how it's lighter than you think, lighter than you believed or knew, and maybe much more possible for yourself. My name is Sh

  • EP 307: Penny Wise Pound Foolish

    23/03/2023 Duration: 03min

    Hey, Sheevaun Moran here driving for your success. I hear weird little things from business owners that relate to being Penny wise and pound-foolish.  I'll give you an example so you go you make a choice to hire a vendor and they give you a price they do the work and then what happens is you hear from somebody else it was a lower price that you could have gotten a better deal that something else could have been added in and really what you've done is you're now doing what I call polling you're polling to see if you made the right choice and then you're polling to do this weird little thing of crushing yourself and making yourself wrong for making it the first choice that may have been a higher price. So Pennywise and pound foolish are only going to hurt you financially. If you want your financial situation to get better you're going to have to be a little bit more productive in how you deal with Pennywise and pound foolish if you're going to buy something, choose it... choose it with your heart and soul. Go f

  • EP 306: Holding on to Impossibility

    16/03/2023 Duration: 03min

    Hey my name is Sheevaun Moran driving for your success I wanted to invite you into a conversation about impossibility. Most people talk about possibility and that's what I'm going to get to in a second, but impossibility is where most people think believe and actually strive from. When I first started helping people get their breakthrough help their business grow help their Health Challenge and really transform themselves I always said you don't have to believe in me you don't have to believe in the process you have to believe in the possibility that something can be different or better for you. If you can't believe in the possibility then I can't help you. So my invitation to you today is what are you holding as an impossibility that you need to look at that is possible because if you don't have a sliver of the door open to possibility and that's what I usually tell people and so I've helped over 15 000 people. So it kind of works. If you can allow yourself to have a sliver of the door open to the light of p

  • EP 305: Clarity

    09/03/2023 Duration: 06min

    Everyone Sheevaun here driving for your success -- today's topic is chaos to clarity, one of the very common things about any entrepreneur who wants a great big impact and and a lot of influence and even more income. Is there's a lot of chaos, there's a lot of Chaos in their mind, there's a lot of Chaos in their energy, there's a lot of chaos that crops up every step of the way and it's been one of the things I've spoken about in a signature way for many many years because energetic chaos is something that you can't see but you can sense and it affects you and how you remember your why. Your real purpose, your real Vision, your mission and it affects who you are and how you engage with the rest of the world. So if you're different with family then you are with your business folks or in community whatever,if you're different in each different place then you're going to create chaos and the key thing about chaos is I think they're like a mind set, meaning there is a whole way of thinking and being and doing and

  • EP 304: One & Done Manifesting

    02/03/2023 Duration: 04min

    Struggling to get your business off the ground? Maybe you’re feeling stuck and don’t have enough clarity? Check out this video for some if the worst ideas that will kill your transformation and even your prosperity.   Unleash Your Business Prosperity Through Love   More Epic Tools: For more of these articles, rule breakers, energetic solutions or concepts, for more ease and grace in your life or business, connect with me at http://sheevaunmoran.com. Grab your FREE copy of the Epic Life Toolkit at https://www.epiclifetoolkit.com/. Remember that energy is within you…let it shine today!   Full site http://bit.ly/cpENJY Twitter http://www.twitter.com/Sheevaun Facebook http://bit.ly/2hCAlPT LinkedIn http://bit.ly/2hCGVpQ Subscribe to my Youtube channel! http://youtube.comEnergeticSolutions Podcast http://apple.co/2rvOFgt Blog site http://bit.ly/2fn67jh   Remember that energy is where the real you shines and success is more easily attainable...let it shine today!

  • EP 303: Authenticity Isn’t This

    23/02/2023 Duration: 04min

    Everyone Sheevaun here driving for your success right now I'm kind of sitting and waiting for my car to refuel or re-energize. So I'm thinking about you and something that I came across the other day when I was at a business meeting. The fascinating thing about that was there was a topic for a moment about us being authentic yeah the person who was speaking about being authentic really didn't feel sense seem as truly authentic as they were talking, as if they were a perfect example. There was a story about something that Magic Johnson had communicated about his journey to being a success after his career in basketball and I happened to be at that talk. I happened to be there listening and being inspired by Magic Johnson and his story and what it took for him to go into business and be taken seriously yet, this person who was talking about it just didn't really even catch the gist of it he was more caught up in the cool fact that he was hanging out with Magic Johnson.  Authenticity is an overused word but at t

  • EP 302: How to Live And Increase Prosperity

    16/02/2023 Duration: 03min

    Everyone Sheevaun here Driving For Your Success and today's topic is about the impression of increase. So here's an idea we don't tend to think about increase until we actually need something. And we actually don't tend to think about increase in a really upward and positive truly beneficial way until we're in dye or dire need and then it's mixed with all of the fear and anxiety and tension and stress. The really interesting thing about the impression of increase is that if you were to take the situation that you're in right now and give it the impression of increase, now it's like driving how can you share the impression of increase in driving. When you're driving, when you're sharing driving you can think of other people in a more positive and prosperous way that are around you, that are surrounding you. Can you help somebody like the lady that I helped that needed somebody to take her to the area of the restroom in the back of the store it just seemed a little scary even though it wasn't It was scary to he

  • EP 301: The Secret Side of Gratitude

    09/02/2023 Duration: 03min

    Everyone Sheevaun here Driving For Your Success. I think an awesome topic today is about being blessed... so a lot of people want to be blessed. They send blessings, but what is being blessed? Well if you find that you are struggling, that you're stuck, that you're in a funky place, then it's really a good time to double, triple, quadruple down on the idea of how blessed we are. It's not like first world, second world, the third world - it's really taking note of the things that you have in your world your life, your circumstance in and of itself and look for the blessings there. Because listen, if you're focusing on other people and blessing other people and yet you're the one who needs blessing, then you're not in the receiving part of the giving. And receiving if you only give give give you're going to be depleted so this is great formula it is in giving that we receive, so give and receive and give and receive and look in your life for the blessings that are you, that are about you, that are in you, that

  • EP 300: Fork in the Road

    02/02/2023 Duration: 04min

    Hey everyone Sheevaun Moran here Driving For Your Success and I've been thinking about this little niggling idea of a topic for you that is really prevalent when there's a fork in the road. So when there's a fork in the road it's kind of like a whole lot of things are happening. Yet you're moving toward and getting better at the things that you're putting out into the world and you're getting more confident. You're making more sales, things are happening and that fork in the road happens. Always around money and relationships. Money and relationships and the fascinating thing about that are more uncertain and in fear about what you're going to lose in either money or relationships the louder it gets. In order to usually step back almost always step back. The interesting piece about Prosperity is that you have an opportunity to step into the truth of the faith of the of the goal and the vision that you have in mind. And that truth and faith and goal and vision is possible yet every time you dip your toes, dip

  • EP 299: Curating the Treachery of Business

    26/01/2023 Duration: 05min

    If you're here for money you'll make some for sure, however if you're on purpose with a mission and you want to serve and help others,that's when rubber meets the road. Notice the metaphors here y'all Driving For Your Success, anyway I am Driving For Your Success. I'm on a road trip and the treacherousness of a business is really about embarking on a new you every day and checking in, checking it out and moving ahead. Looking ahead also while you're looking to your sides and as we have more vehicles that are self-driving it becomes really obvious how many things we have not needed to check. We don't need to check anymore because of the cars doing what they're here and they're already programmed to do. Yeah a business is not the same there's a lot of cool AI stuff out there it's going to help your business tremendously, and it's going to help you streamline. It's going to help you stay on track so long as you check in and learn how to use it and just like a car you're gonna have to learn how to use it. When yo

  • EP 298: The Path of Prosperity

    19/01/2023 Duration: 04min

    Good morning almost, New Year's it's a pretty amazing walk in the morning and some of the thoughts I have in my brain are as we choose our path even if it hasn't been stepped on before it takes courage to really go up toward it and for it and really step out into the cold. Step Up into the unknown and really allow ourselves to take the opportunity to transcend and transform maybe even transmute the old stuff from 2022 into 2023 and maybe by now you've chosen a word. Maybe by now you're thinking about what you should or would have could have done. Maybe by now you've backed down on something that you knew was in your highest and best interest and the matter is you get to choose every breath every moment every step how many steps will you take toward it and then you do a U-turn because you had uncertainty how many steps will you take toward it again and then do a u-turn maybe and then you turn back toward it and how many steps will you take to commit and recommit and recommit and recommit it takes a lot it take

  • EP 297: Never Slide Back in Success

    12/01/2023 Duration: 04min

    Everyone Sheevaun Moran here driving for your success and today's topic is contentism it's a made-up word I get it but you know maybe you've made a big leap in your business or maybe you've made a big leap in the way you think you've made a big leap in a relationship or exiting a relationship you've made a big leap and you just want to sit back and be content. Maybe you had a big windfall with clients and then you want to sit back and you're content with enough maybe you're content with the way things have gotten and that's okay that's truly okay. However, if you have a business to be content is to really doing things in a way that is much more difficult that takes you longer and keeps you in a problem and having less clients than you potentially can and so contentism is being okay with putting your head in the sand around money. Being okay with putting your head in the sand around time being okay with not knowing how a business is going to grow, if you need a particular amount for your income then what you n

  • EP 296: Mind Shifts For Ease

    05/01/2023 Duration: 03min

    http://sheevaunmoran.com http://EpicLifeSuccessSummit.com http://5essentialenergies.com   Hey everyone Sheevaun Moran here driving for your success and today's topic is completely about what your mind is doing to keep you spinning and spinning and spinning and business owners entrepreneurs small side Hustlers really fascinating. Doing hurdles and then getting into the Deep Emotions and setting your day up maybe to go sideways so if you have one thing that doesn't go your way at the beginning of the day does it happen that it follows through to the rest of your day that's your spinning mind that means your energy is spinning and you have not disrupted and sorted the energy enough so that you can get out of that spin and the spin is futile always futile even smart people know that it's futile. However in order to stop it it's powerful to have an interrupter and we have some of our other videos of cord cutting and grounding and things like that and the most important thing about those is it instantly stop the

  • EP 295: Banishing Limitations

    29/12/2022 Duration: 03min

      More Epic Tools: For more of these articles, rule breakers, energetic solutions or concepts, for more ease and grace in your life or business, connect with me at http://sheevaunmoran.com. Grab your FREE copy of the Epic Life Toolkit at https://www.epiclifetoolkit.com/. Remember that energy is within you…let it shine today!   Full site http://bit.ly/cpENJY  Twitter http://www.twitter.com/Sheevaun Facebook http://bit.ly/2hCAlPT LinkedIn http://bit.ly/2hCGVpQ  Subscribe to my Youtube channel! http://youtube.comEnergeticSolutions Podcast http://apple.co/2rvOFgt  Blog site http://bit.ly/2fn67jh    Remember that energy is where the real you shines and success is more easily attainable...let it shine today!   Http://sheevaunmoran.com . Http://epiclifetoolkit.com

  • EP 294: Break Through to New Level

    22/12/2022 Duration: 04min

    More Epic Tools: For more of these articles, rule breakers, energetic solutions or concepts, for more ease and grace in your life or business, connect with me at http://sheevaunmoran.com. Grab your FREE copy of the Epic Life Toolkit at https://www.epiclifetoolkit.com/. Remember that energy is within you…let it shine today!   Full site http://bit.ly/cpENJY  Twitter http://www.twitter.com/Sheevaun Facebook http://bit.ly/2hCAlPT LinkedIn http://bit.ly/2hCGVpQ  Subscribe to my Youtube channel! http://youtube.comEnergeticSolutions Podcast http://apple.co/2rvOFgt  Blog site http://bit.ly/2fn67jh    Remember that energy is where the real you shines and success is more easily attainable...let it shine today!

  • EP 293: Receive to Achieve

    15/12/2022 Duration: 03min

    More Epic Tools: For more of these articles, rule breakers, energetic solutions or concepts, for more ease and grace in your life or business, connect with me at http://sheevaunmoran.com. Grab your FREE copy of the Epic Life Toolkit at https://www.epiclifetoolkit.com/. Remember that energy is within you…let it shine today!   Full site http://bit.ly/cpENJY  Twitter http://www.twitter.com/Sheevaun Facebook http://bit.ly/2hCAlPT LinkedIn http://bit.ly/2hCGVpQ  Subscribe to my Youtube channel! http://youtube.comEnergeticSolutions Podcast http://apple.co/2rvOFgt  Blog site http://bit.ly/2fn67jh    Remember that energy is where the real you shines and success is more easily attainable...let it shine today!

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