Driving For Your Success With Sheevaun Moran

EP 312: Breaking Through the Old Routine



Hey everyone Sheevaun Moran here and I want to read you a quote, "it's a hard thing to leave any deeply rooted routine in life even if you hate it" That's John Steinbeck and what I hear from people who want to make a giant labor transformation again and again and again is they're so accustomed to their routine that they just leave the new opportunities of the good routine out they forget. Heck everyone gets a skate, gets a blip, gets a new idea and forgets but if you really want the transformation you're going to have to do something that institutes that routine. Not accountability, accountability means you Advocate to somebody else to hold you accountable. you're a beautiful amazing Soul who wants to have more success or achieve more or deliver more serve more and that routine that you need to make new needs to start with a new idea and be held for quite a long time. So when I started out being vegetarian I held that as a truth because I knew that my health was more important. So I was incredibly motivated s