Driving For Your Success With Sheevaun Moran

EP 306: Holding on to Impossibility



Hey my name is Sheevaun Moran driving for your success I wanted to invite you into a conversation about impossibility. Most people talk about possibility and that's what I'm going to get to in a second, but impossibility is where most people think believe and actually strive from. When I first started helping people get their breakthrough help their business grow help their Health Challenge and really transform themselves I always said you don't have to believe in me you don't have to believe in the process you have to believe in the possibility that something can be different or better for you. If you can't believe in the possibility then I can't help you. So my invitation to you today is what are you holding as an impossibility that you need to look at that is possible because if you don't have a sliver of the door open to possibility and that's what I usually tell people and so I've helped over 15 000 people. So it kind of works. If you can allow yourself to have a sliver of the door open to the light of p