Driving For Your Success With Sheevaun Moran

EP 298: The Path of Prosperity



Good morning almost, New Year's it's a pretty amazing walk in the morning and some of the thoughts I have in my brain are as we choose our path even if it hasn't been stepped on before it takes courage to really go up toward it and for it and really step out into the cold. Step Up into the unknown and really allow ourselves to take the opportunity to transcend and transform maybe even transmute the old stuff from 2022 into 2023 and maybe by now you've chosen a word. Maybe by now you're thinking about what you should or would have could have done. Maybe by now you've backed down on something that you knew was in your highest and best interest and the matter is you get to choose every breath every moment every step how many steps will you take toward it and then you do a U-turn because you had uncertainty how many steps will you take toward it again and then do a u-turn maybe and then you turn back toward it and how many steps will you take to commit and recommit and recommit and recommit it takes a lot it take