Driving For Your Success With Sheevaun Moran

EP 300: Fork in the Road



Hey everyone Sheevaun Moran here Driving For Your Success and I've been thinking about this little niggling idea of a topic for you that is really prevalent when there's a fork in the road. So when there's a fork in the road it's kind of like a whole lot of things are happening. Yet you're moving toward and getting better at the things that you're putting out into the world and you're getting more confident. You're making more sales, things are happening and that fork in the road happens. Always around money and relationships. Money and relationships and the fascinating thing about that are more uncertain and in fear about what you're going to lose in either money or relationships the louder it gets. In order to usually step back almost always step back. The interesting piece about Prosperity is that you have an opportunity to step into the truth of the faith of the of the goal and the vision that you have in mind. And that truth and faith and goal and vision is possible yet every time you dip your toes, dip