Driving For Your Success With Sheevaun Moran

EP 299: Curating the Treachery of Business



If you're here for money you'll make some for sure, however if you're on purpose with a mission and you want to serve and help others,that's when rubber meets the road. Notice the metaphors here y'all Driving For Your Success, anyway I am Driving For Your Success. I'm on a road trip and the treacherousness of a business is really about embarking on a new you every day and checking in, checking it out and moving ahead. Looking ahead also while you're looking to your sides and as we have more vehicles that are self-driving it becomes really obvious how many things we have not needed to check. We don't need to check anymore because of the cars doing what they're here and they're already programmed to do. Yeah a business is not the same there's a lot of cool AI stuff out there it's going to help your business tremendously, and it's going to help you streamline. It's going to help you stay on track so long as you check in and learn how to use it and just like a car you're gonna have to learn how to use it. When yo