Driving For Your Success With Sheevaun Moran

EP 297: Never Slide Back in Success



Everyone Sheevaun Moran here driving for your success and today's topic is contentism it's a made-up word I get it but you know maybe you've made a big leap in your business or maybe you've made a big leap in the way you think you've made a big leap in a relationship or exiting a relationship you've made a big leap and you just want to sit back and be content. Maybe you had a big windfall with clients and then you want to sit back and you're content with enough maybe you're content with the way things have gotten and that's okay that's truly okay. However, if you have a business to be content is to really doing things in a way that is much more difficult that takes you longer and keeps you in a problem and having less clients than you potentially can and so contentism is being okay with putting your head in the sand around money. Being okay with putting your head in the sand around time being okay with not knowing how a business is going to grow, if you need a particular amount for your income then what you n