Driving For Your Success With Sheevaun Moran

EP 301: The Secret Side of Gratitude



Everyone Sheevaun here Driving For Your Success. I think an awesome topic today is about being blessed... so a lot of people want to be blessed. They send blessings, but what is being blessed? Well if you find that you are struggling, that you're stuck, that you're in a funky place, then it's really a good time to double, triple, quadruple down on the idea of how blessed we are. It's not like first world, second world, the third world - it's really taking note of the things that you have in your world your life, your circumstance in and of itself and look for the blessings there. Because listen, if you're focusing on other people and blessing other people and yet you're the one who needs blessing, then you're not in the receiving part of the giving. And receiving if you only give give give you're going to be depleted so this is great formula it is in giving that we receive, so give and receive and give and receive and look in your life for the blessings that are you, that are about you, that are in you, that