Driving For Your Success With Sheevaun Moran

EP 303: Authenticity Isn’t This



Everyone Sheevaun here driving for your success right now I'm kind of sitting and waiting for my car to refuel or re-energize. So I'm thinking about you and something that I came across the other day when I was at a business meeting. The fascinating thing about that was there was a topic for a moment about us being authentic yeah the person who was speaking about being authentic really didn't feel sense seem as truly authentic as they were talking, as if they were a perfect example. There was a story about something that Magic Johnson had communicated about his journey to being a success after his career in basketball and I happened to be at that talk. I happened to be there listening and being inspired by Magic Johnson and his story and what it took for him to go into business and be taken seriously yet, this person who was talking about it just didn't really even catch the gist of it he was more caught up in the cool fact that he was hanging out with Magic Johnson.  Authenticity is an overused word but at t