As You Like It By William Shakespeare

In a tiny French dukedom, a younger brother usurps his elder brother's throne. Duke Senior is banished to the Forest of Arden along with his faithful retainers, leaving his lovely...

Romeo And Juliet By William Shakespeare

William Shakespeares most well-known play is more than most people realize. While it is the story of star-crossed lovers, Romeo and Juliet, it is also the story of two families...

King Henry Iv By William Shakespeare

King Henry IV, Part 1 is the second of Shakespeares eight Wars of the Roses history plays, with events following those of King Richard II. As the play opens, King Henry IV...

Midsummer Night's Dream (version 2), A by SHAKESPEARE, William

Shakespeares festive comedy combines classical Athenian characters (Duke Theseus and his conquered Amazonian bride Hippolyta) with four contentious lovers, a forest full of...

Romeo and Juliet (version 2) by SHAKESPEARE, William

Romeo and Juliet is Shakespeares famous tragedy of two star-crossed lovers from rival houses. Romeo and Juliet meet at a party and fall instantly in love, realizing too late that...

Taming of the Shrew, The by SHAKESPEARE, William

The Taming of the Shrew is one of Shakespeares earliest comedies, and was inspired by classical Roman comedy and the Italian commedia dellarte. Baptista Minola, a rich gentleman...

Two Gentlemen of Verona, The by SHAKESPEARE, William

The Two Gentlemen of Verona is the earliest comedy written by Shakespeare (and possibly his first play), probably written around 1590-91. It focuses on two friends, Valentine and...

As You Like It (version 2) by SHAKESPEARE, William

Shakespeares pastoral comedy was written and first performed around 1599, and presents some of his familiar motifs: a cross-dressing heroine, a wise-cracking fool, brothers...

Shakespearecast - The Complete Works Of William Shakespeare Podcast

The Complete Works of William Shakespeare podcast one Act at a time! Full text, full cast! Voices from Los Medanos College, Antioch Classical Theatre Company, & Antioch High...

Merry Wives of Windsor, The by SHAKESPEARE, William

The Merry Wives of Windsor is a comedy by William Shakespeare, first published in 1602, though believed to have been written prior to 1597. It features the fat knight Sir John...

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