
Um cavaleiro é encontrado caído por um negro escravizado que o resgata e o leva nos ombros para a casa de suas patroas. Lá nasce o amor do cavaleiro por Úrsula, amor que...

Kevin And Ursula Eat Cheap

Kevin Sonney and Ursula Vernon explore the world of cheap, pre-packaged foods. Join them as they sit in their kitchen, prepare the foods, and share their impressions with you.

Weightlifting Life - Greg Everett & Ursula Garza

The sport of weightlifting with Greg Everett & Ursula Garza. Primarily in-depth answers to audience questions about technique, program design, competition and more, along with...

Úrsula: Pesadelos no fundo do mar

"Você toparia fazer um acordo com um vilão da Disney para ter tudo o que sempre sonhou? Os protagonistas de cada livro da série Disney Chills toparam… e podem pagar um preço...

Úrsula: A História Da Bruxa Da Pequena Sereia

Descubra neste livro todos os segredos do passado de Úrsula. Desvende qual era o seu papel no reino de Tritão, o motivo de sua expulsão das dependências reais e,...

Illest Podcast Ever

Join "ILLEST Podcast Ever" each week as we bring deeper meaning to the latest trending topics. Special guest take a seat to provide their insights for in-depth conversations about...

Work Alchemy: The Impact Interviews-ursula Jorch Chats With Seth Godin, Marianne Williamson, Martha Beck, Prince Ea & Others

Work Alchemy: The Impact Interviews is a weekly Business Podcast where Ursula Jorch has wide-ranging and deep conversations with highly successful entrepreneurs and leaders about...

Illira Air

Empowerment Strategist, Author, Trainer, Speaker, Entrepreneur

Muscheln In Meiner Hand - Eine Antwort Auf Die Konflikte Unseres Daseins (ungekürzt)

Auf der Suche nach dem Sinn des Lebens Seit Jahrzehnten geben ihre Worte unzähligen Menschen Hilfe bei der Suche nach dem Sinn des Lebens. Anne Morrow Lindbergh, die Frau des...

Das Elfenbuch - Naturgeister Aus Aller Welt, Teil 2 (ungekürzt)

"Vor Zeiten, als in Wäldern und Wiesen noch Elfen wohnten..." Wieder hat Rose Williams aus den verschiedensten Regionen der Erde die schönsten Elfenmärchen zusammengetragen,...

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