Manuale Di Remote Viewing: Come Sviluppare La Capacità Di Vedere A Distanza

L’idea di questo libro è quella di portare le persone interessate allo sviluppo delle proprie capacità extrasensoriali, a conoscere meglio il metodo...

Slay Girl Slay

For the Diverse Woman



Wage Slave

Are you a wage slave?As children we can’t help but dream of all of the amazing things that we will accomplish. Then life happens. We get a job, we get a house, and we get into...

The Slave

In the near post apocalyptic future, a boy who has just come of age enrolls on the Price Programme, the new system for managing society.  The boy meets a woman who opens up a...

New Slaves

Join the New Slaves crew each week as they discuss day to day topics as well as unpopular opinions and perspectives.

Slave Stealer

Listen to front-line stories from guys rescuing kidnapped children from sex slavery. Yep, that's a thing. Right now, there are over 2 MILLION children being sold and traded for...

Slay Talk

Random chats... Just another point of view! Become a supporter of this podcast:

Slave Is a Slave, A by PIPER, H. Beam

The Galactic Empire is slowly welcoming into the family of civilized worlds those systems so far off in the backwater of the galaxy that they have been overlooked and ignored for...

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