Burns And Allen Show

Burns and Allen was an American comedy duo consisting of George Burns and his wife, Gracie Allen. They worked together as a comedy team in vaudeville, films, radio and television...

Vinyl Burns Radio Show

Join celebrity entertainer, medical doctor and poker coach, The Reverend Dr. Vinyl Burns for casual genius and conversational symphonies, all managed to sit within your own...

Ooo That Burns Podcast

Welcome to Ooo that Burns with Momma Burns and Tyler where we have a weekly conversation about current events, pet peeves, pop culture, and the occasional bro-science study. Join...

S.e. Burns' Podcast

On this podcast I talk with people from all areas of style and fashion. You can hear the show as it airs on Tuesday at noon at www.tenacityradio.com/listen

A Spark Neglected Burns The House

There once lived in a village a peasant named Iván Stcherbakóf. He was comfortably off, in the prime of life, the best worker in the village, and had three sons all able to...

Critically Yours, Regan Burns Podcast

Critically Yours, Regan Burns takes a hard look at today's movies

Vinyl Burns Electric Radio Show

The Reverend Doctor Vinyl Burns speaks his mind and will probably blow yours, while also playing some crazy good deep music and sonic flavors from his mobile studio or his secret...

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