Maya Angelou

Maya Angelou's life and poetry was and is inspiring so here is her story. Hope you like it...

Maya Angelou (audio)

As a child, Maya Angelou was traumatized by abuse. For five years, she was silent, but in time, she found her voice, and that voice has been heard around the world. A single...

Maya Angelou - Poesia Completa

Por meio de sua ilustre carreira na literatura, Maya Angelou presenteou, curou e inspirou o mundo com suas palavras. Em sua comovente e poética escrita, a beleza e o espírito de...

Maya Angelou E A Autobiografia Ritmada De The Heart Of A Woman

Maya Angelou e a Autobiografia Ritmada de The Heart of a Woman é resultado parcial de uma daquelas pesquisas que derrubam as barreiras do academicismo e se enveredam pelo âmbito...

Eu Sei Por Que O Pássaro Canta Na Gaiola: Autobiografia De Maya Angelou

RACISMO. ABUSO. LIBERTAÇÃO. A vida de Marguerite Ann Johnson foi marcada por essas três palavras. A garota negra, criada no sul por sua avó paterna, carregou consigo um enorme...

Maya Carpenter

BrownVintage is about reflecting on the past, but also knowing that forward movement is vital. Listeners will learn about the innovators in independent music, politics,...

The Ancient Maya

“The Ancient Maya” creates a portrait of life in the ancient Mayan civilization. Describes the history, language, social classes, customs, culture, religion, and warfare of...

Maya Akai Presents

Tune in 4 talk that is proactive in content; designed 2 B authentic conversations that are candid, real & relevant discussing everything, politics, sports & everything in between!

Talks With Maya

Talks With Maya is a platform where people who have experienced or witnessed criminal tragedies/activities. Talks With Maya is a podcast space which allows special guest to talk...

A Abelha Maya

Nesta edição, recontamos a história de A Abelha Maya, que faz divertidas descobertas quando sai para colher pólen no jardim.

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