Badge Of Infamy By Lester Del Rey

Shifting between Earth and Mars, Badge of Infamy focuses on the gripping tale of a former doctor who becomes a pariah due to being temporarily governed by emotion and compassion,...

Lester B. Pearson School Board (quebec, Canada)

Audio & Video podcasts from the K-11 English public education system, the Lester B. Pearson School Board. The school district that offers K4, elementary, secondary, international,...

Guía De Escritura Creativa

-Este audiolibro está narrado en castellano.Todos nacemos con la habilidad de relatar historias y muchos soñamos con convertirnos en escritores. Algo que debes tener claro es...

Cuando El Silencio Mata

"Mi nombre es Ignacio Alarcón, soy el Sacerdote de la Iglesia Nuestra Señora de los Milagros de la Antigua Guatemala. Tengo 52 años y quien sabe si llegaré a los 53....

Muerte A Contrarreloj

Es el fin del mundo. El final de muchos mundos. Un colapso de realidades está a punto de llevarse por delante un sinfín de Tierras paralelas. Muchos de esos planetas están...

Marcus Glover

IMPACT: impacting the lives of people all over the world. Speaking on different topics and motivating others to never give up on this journey called life .

The Face Within - How To Change Your Unconscious Blueprint

+ Do you ever struggle to feel 'grown-up'?+ Have you lost connection and purpose?+ Are you tripping over head-trash and self-sabotaging chances for happiness and success?The...

Practically Radical

“The most powerful and instructive change manual you’ll ever read. It will persuade and inspire you to change your business, your work, and maybe your...

Baseball Joe Of The Silver Stars

Joe Matson has recently moved to Riverside with his family. The wide-awake country boy, who loves baseball, joins the Riverside's local nine and gets the position he wanted —...

Baseball Joe On The School Nine

"Baseball Joe" Matson's great ambition is to go to boarding school and play on the school team. Joe is a wide-awake country boy who loves playing baseball above all. He and his...

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