What's Up In Healthcare & Technology? Hosted By Paul Ford

Welcome to the "What's Up In Healthcare & Technology?" podcast, where we discuss what's trending in the intersection of healthcare and technology amazing things happen. Get smart,...

Smells Like Human Spirit | Dan Carlin | Noam Chomsky | Dave Zirin | Lee Camp | Sibel Edmonds | Rob Ford Coverage

The leading voices of the free thinking generation share incredible insights and stories on Smells Like Human Spirit! This podcast provides you with the information to think...

Jake And James' Podcast

Jake and James, brothers but not by blood have made a podcast. Is it coherent? No. Is it all nonsense? Yes. Is it even good? Well... Is it critically acclaimed? Lets say yes....

Transform Your Reality

Break Your Personal Chains.After enduring years of tortuous beatings as a child and teenager that would make anyone's skin crawl, Lacy Weston vowed to not break. He realized that...

Privy Seal: His Last Venture

The Magister Udal sat in the room of his inn in Paris, where customarily the King of France lodged such envoys as came at his expense. He had been sent there to Latinise the...

The Fifth Queen Crowned: A Romance

The Lady Mary, the Lady Mary of England' the King said weightily and these last two words of his had a weight all their own, so that he added, 'of England' again, and then, 'will...

The Brown Owl: A Fairy Story

Once upon a time, a long while ago, in fact long before Egypt had risen to power and before Rome or Greece had ever been heard of, and that was some time before you were born, you...

The Good Soldier

The novel is set just before World War I and chronicles the tragedy of Edward Ashburnham, his own seemingly perfect marriage and that of two American friends. The novel is told...

The Feather

Once upon a time there was a King who reigned over a country as yet, for a reason you may learn later on, undiscovered—a most lovely country, full of green dales and groves of...

The Queen Who Flew: A Fairy Story

Once upon a time a Queen sat in her garden. She was quite a young, young Queen; but that was a long while ago, so she would be older now. But, for all she was Queen over a great...

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