Eis O Mundo Encantado Que Monteiro Lobato Criou: Raça, Eugenia E Nação

Monteiro Lobato é um dos principais nomes da literatura brasileira. Mesmo após um século, sua obra segue aclamada e reverberando em escolas, tablets, redes sociais e na...

Eugenia & Higienismo: Educação Como Suporte – Remédio Do Estado – Efeitos Colaterais Para A Infância

O livro Eugenia & higienismo: Educação como suporte – Remédio do Estado – Efeitos Colaterais para a Infância apresenta uma narrativa crítica sobre o percurso histórico...

Coffee Time Tales And Poems

Coffee Time Tales and Poems is a collection of short stories and poems written for teens and adults alike. It has serious and humorous tones.


A book of modern contemporary poetry using forms from around the world.

The Winter Years

The Winter Years is a book of contemporary modern poetry written for teens and adults. It has a variety of topics and moods. It explores poetry forms from around the world.

Poetry In Motion

A book of short stories coupled with contemporary poetry in different forms.

Eugenie Grandet 

'Eugenie Grandet' is one of the earliest and most famous novels in Balzac's 'The Human Comedy' cycle. The dreary Grandet household, inundated by the overwhelming greed and...

Eugenie Grandet

Eugenie's father Felix is a former cooper who has become wealthy through both business ventures and inheritance. However, he is very miserly, and he, his wife, daughter and their...

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