The Divine Comedy: Paradise

In the 14th century, after the Hell and Purgatory, Dante Alighieri writes "Paradise": this is the third and last part of the Divine Comedy. Is an allegory which tells of...

Divine Comedy, Cary's Translation, Complete

Inferno, Italian for "Hell") is the first part of Italian writer Dante Alighieri's 14th-century epic poem Divine Comedy. It is followed by Purgatorio and Paradiso....

Divine Comedy, Cary's Translation, Hell

Inferno, Italian for "Hell") is the first part of Italian writer Dante Alighieri's 14th-century epic poem Divine Comedy. It is followed by Purgatorio and Paradiso....

The Divine Comedy: Hell

This book: "Hell" is the first part of Dante's epic poem entitled "the Divine Comedy". Is followed by Purgatorio and Paradiso. Is an allegory of life that...

The Divine Comedy Paradiso: Paradiso

Dante Alighieri, or simply Dante (May 14/June 13, 1265 – September13/14, 1321), was an Italian poet from Florence. His central work, the Commedia (Divine Comedy),...

The Divine Comedy Purgatorio: Purgatorio

Dante Alighieri, or simply Dante (May 14/June 13, 1265 – September13/14, 1321), was an Italian poet from Florence. His central work, the Commedia (Divine Comedy),...

A Divina Comédia - Inferno

Dante Alighieri, um dos maiores escritores da literatura medieval, nasceu em Florença, na Itália, no ano de 1265. É autor de A Divina Comédia, obra  publicada no século XIV...

La Divina Comedia

La Divina comedia, escrita por el florentino Dante Alighieri entre 1304 y 1321 aproximadamente, es una poesía épica, género literario que consiste en la narración en verso de...


Il Convivio è un saggio dottrinario composto da Dante Alighieri nei primi anni dell'esilio, ovvero tra il 1304 e il 1307. L'intento dell'autore era quello di...

Vita Nova: Vita Nuova

La Vita Nova (Vita Nuova) è la prima opera di attribuzione certa di Dante Alighieri, scritta tra il 1293 ed il 1294. Si tratta di un prosimetro nel quale sono inserite 31...

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