Confessions Of A Wild Child

Who is Lucky Saint? She's a fifteen year old wild child who discovered her mother's murdered body floating in the family swimming pool when she was only five years old. In...

Thrill [abridged]

Jackie Collins’ most outrageous, erotically charged New York Times bestseller is a sexy, shaterring roller-coaster thrill ride! From chic New York and the exclusive Hamptons...

Chances Part 1: Gino's Story [abridged]

JACKIE COLLINS READS HER SENSATIONAL BESTSELLER! The book that introduced the world to Lucky Santangelo, offered in a special, two part audio adaptation...the unforgettable...

Hollywood Kids [abridged]

They're surrounded by everything money can buy. They've grown up with the headyscent of fame and success all around them. They're the Hollywood Kids,the adult children of...

Good To Great And The Social Sectors: A Monograph To Accompany Good To Great

Building upon the concepts introduced in Good to Great, Jim Collins answers the most commonly asked questions raised by his readers in the social sectors. Using information...

Stories Behind The Greatest Hits Of Christmas

Ace Collins exposes the stories behind the greatest secular hit songs of Christmas---who wrote them, how they became famous, and why they still have such a strong impact on...

Jefferson Burke And The Secret Of The Lost Scroll

Jefferson Burke and the Secret of the Lost Scroll is a mystery as old as the Christian church wrapped in a modern-day thriller. Though an unwilling hero, professor Jefferson...

How the Mighty Fall

"Whether you prevail or fail, endure or die, depends more on what you do to yourself than on what the world does to you."—Jim CollinsDecline can be avoided. Decline can be...

Eliot Ness And The Mad Butcher: Hunting America's Deadliest Unidentified Serial Killer At The Dawn Of Modern Criminology

In the spirit of Devil in the White City comes a true detective tale of the highest standard: the haunting story of Eliot Ness's forgotten final case–his years-long...

The Language Of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence For Belief

"In today's world, scarred by cultural warfare, it is rare for a scientist to offer a testimony of faith in God. For that scientist to be one of the world's most renowned is rarer...

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