Rosenfeld Media

Lou Rosenfeld talks with a LOT of brilliant, interesting changemakers in the UX world and beyond. In these conversations (mostly 20 min long), Subscribe to the Rosenfeld Media...

Inward With Rabbi Joey Rosenfeld

Join Rabbi Joey Rosenfeld as he guides us through the world and major works of Kabbalah and Hasidism (Jewish mysticism), shedding light on the inner life of the soul.

Preconceito, Racismo E Política

Impressiona na obra de Anatol Rosenfeld a atualidade persistente de seus argumentos e de seu pensamento, quase quarenta anos apos sua morte. Uma explicacao possivel para isso...

Judaísmo, Reflexões E Vivencias

Pensador independente, Anatol Rosenfeld tinha o gosto do bom debate. Mas sua argumentação, mesmo no calor das contradições, nunca caía na tentação do sofisma por ele...

O Teatro Épico

O Teatro Epico e uma importante contribuicao de Anatol Rosenfeld para os estudos literarios e teatrais. Tendo em vista a relevancia que a nocao do epico assumiu na critica...

Brecht E O Teatro Épico

Brecht e o Teatro Épico, de Anatol Rosenfeld, um dos maiores comentadores do dramaturgo alemão em língua portuguesa - organizado por Nanci Fernandes e que a editora Perspectiva...

Make Him Yours

If you already have the perfect man in your life, then this book is NOT for you.But if you're like the majority of other good women out there who are confused by modern dating and...


Join a rotating cast of characters as they chat it up about the latest in our pop culture paradise. Candid chat about the newest releases in games, movies, television, and more...


We interview exceptional creators and performers, de-constructing how they start with nothing and end up with a highly emotive performance which can move and inspire millions....

Thais by FRANCE, Anatole

The fourth century ascetic Paphnuce, journeys from his remote desert hermitage to urban Alexandria determined to locate the stunningly beautiful and libertine actress, Thais. He...

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