Now a major motion picture―The Secret: Dare to Dream―starring Katie Holmes and Josh Lucas.In 2006, a groundbreaking feature-length film revealed the great mystery of...
In the tradition of the beloved masterpiece The Prophet, Hajjar Gibran -- an ancestral descendant of Kahlil Gibran -- presents a parable of spiritual awakening based on his often...
Discover the key to unlocking thought as creative energy and power, and become the “Master Key” to your own success with this self-help classic—now revised for...
The Secret is an international phenomenon that has inspired millions of people to live extraordinary lives. The Secret to Teen Power makes that knowledge accessible and relevant...
"I am so excited about this book! Mike Dooley has given every human soul a great and wonderful gift. He shows us in the clearest terms yet just how to produce what God has always...
Living the life of your dreams isn’t just about dreaming: it’s also about living—following your impulses, turning over every stone, and stepping out into the...
Written nearly a century ago and recently rediscovered by Rhonda Byrne, creator of The Secret Becoming rich is not a matter of environment or talents. Money and property come to...
La edición especial del 10° Aniversario del libro que transformó vidas, ahora con un nuevo prólogo y revelaciones de Rhonda Byrne.En el 2006, un largometraje...