The complete iconic anthology series of horror tales that's now a feature film!Narrated by Patton Oswalt, Melissa McBride, and Alex Brightman, this collection includes all three...
When an ambitious entrepreneur pretends to be a lady of means, she catches the eye—and heart—of a duke...Jessica McGale’s family business desperately needs investors and...
Twenty years after the success of her first memoir, the New York Times bestseller The Truth Is . . ., the Grammy and Oscar award-winning rocker and trailblazing LGBTQAI icon takes...
A collection of eight classic Beatrix Potter tales adapted by Melissa Chantaj. Listen along to the wild adventures of Beatrix Potter's whimsical creatures including:The Tale of...
This edition of Girl on a Train is enhanced with a musical soundtrack from Booktrack for an immersive listening experience!Headstrong Journalist, Anna Rothman knows what suicide...
Teach The Way People Love To LearnScientists have found that people are chemically and structurally hardwired to enjoy learning.The secret to unleashing a learner’s potential...
Alec Lightwood, partner of the High Warlock of Brooklyn and father of a warlock child, visits Buenos Aires in the aftermath of the Dark War. When he arrives, he is not welcomed by...
She had a perfect life. Then she got a real life.... For nearly twenty years, quiet, unassuming Lillian Manville has devoted herself to her self-made billionaire husband -- and...
A richly nuanced synthesis of history and suspense.One of New York City's most haunting buildings is the Deadhouse. This abandoned structure -- which sits on a small island in the...