Is the kingdom's fate in the hands of an orphan cat?Running fast to save his life, Aldwyn ducks into an unusual pet store. Moments later Jack, a young wizard in training, comes in...
A collection of three prequel novellas to the New York Times bestselling Dorothy Must Die series by Danielle Paige!Follow Dorothy’s iconic companions from the beloved...
More than anything, Tom Raines wants to be important, though his shadowy life is anything but that. For years, Tom’s drifted from casino to casino with his unlucky gambler...
The impossible was just the beginning. Now in their second year as superhuman government weapons-in-training at the Pentagonal Spire, Tom and his friends are midlevel cadets in...
S. J. Kincaid has created a fascinating dystopian world for Insignia, her futuristic science-fiction adventure series perfect for fans of Ender’s Game. Earth is in the...